The Blog on the Tyne is all mine all mine, How's things Mix Tape friends? I'm alright. Bit hollow after the Lost finale. I was hoping they'd go for a brand new type of plot twist, but no. It was one of the big old stinky ones. I still shed a tear or two but felt a little dirty afterwards. Hey ho hoo ha.
So I need mo help from you for the next Big Mix Tape, which we'll record next Tuesday 1st June (sweet baby Bieber, is it June already?!) The theme for this tape is Art Pop featuring the music of artists who are trying to do more with the medium than just sing a pretty song, yeah? Art school bands, avant gardists, pretentious ponces, they're all welcome as long as they're dipping their musical brushes in the pot marked 'choons' and not 'demented bilgewater', cos we've kind of already done that one. I'm afraid there's unlikely to be any Lady Gaga though, unless my guest trails any in on his shoe. Joking of course!
The thing I need from you chaps is a good name for the tape. It's art pop remember, so it's going to have to be witty, snappy and cool! I think Witty, Snappy & Cool is what they should call the Rice Krispies characters to get more young people into them. I should really be in advertising. Hang on, that would make a great sitcom...
So apart from a name, I need questions for my guest this week: the delightful Graham Linehan. Graham is currently perhaps the most successful TV comedy writer in the UK. At least I'm almost certain he is but I put the word 'perhaps' in there to give myself some wiggle room, but he's pretty flipping successful I think we can all agree on that. He's an ex music and film journalist, Poker fan, video game lover, Twitter behemoth and a keen amateur humanitarian. In the TV sphere he's the creator of the IT Crowd, co creator of Black Books, Big Train and Father Ted and has collaborated winningly with giants of comedy from The Fast Show team and Matt & Dave of Little Britain to Alexei Sayle and Chris Morris and that's just the tip of his magnificent iceberg. Did I mention he tweets a lot? OK, that's enough hyperbole. All questions for Graham will be garnished with a dollop of full fat Thanks.
Now back to searching the web for Lost explanations...
Love Adam