Change of address
So we've moved to our new office on the 7th floor of Broadcasting House which means that we're finally within abuse-hurling distance of each other and have to pay slightly closer attention to our . Yesterday Maria wrote a blog of quite unprecendented brilliance and wit about our new surroundings (or so she says) which then inexplicably disappeared or got eaten by the dog or something. She was understandably crushed by this experience, so now the torch has been passed to me.
My desk is next to the window and offers unparalleled views of a building site. Beyond that there's the , looking like some relic from a Thunderbirds set. My granny once took me to the revolving restaurant there, but I was far more interested in my lunch (, since you ask) than in the sight of the capital spinning by. Anyway, back to the office. There's a small kitchen just down the corridor which has the charming ambience of a young offenders' institution - some careful customisation may be called for. In the other direction there's a 'soft' area with seats that look like eggs - for getting in touch with your inner seagull, probably - and, beyond that, a balcony equipped with a small rain-forest of potted plants and a notice which says: Balcony Not In Use. It's early days, but, once we've got over the unusual way that raindrops slide down these windows, I'm sure it'll feel just like home.