Next door but one also had some spare rooms; they had two Polish evacuees named Bernhard and Walther......
The farmer arrived one day in his horse and cart, and proceeded to leave potato sacks in small piles, all...
Sure enough,victory did come - not all at once but in pieces.Triumph in Paris with flowers and pretty...
The thing I remember most is the noise as the naval base at Portland was bombed. One day I was in another...
The mixture of evacuees and Wooler children can be described as a new experience for both sets of...
I remember an incident when an incendiary bomb had been dropped around the area of Firth Street Mills in...
In 1944 during the doodlebug raids I cycled to school with my friend Audrey. I had a sudden thought that we...
He called the police and they came round with a bucket of water in the back of the car, and put the...
We didn't have cups, and the milk came in a ten-gallon churn - the milkman brought the churn in a...
So they took us and put us as prisoners in the Felinfoel brewery ..for being naughty that was. And then in...
We moved to Exmouth in 1942, the coastal towns suffered what were known as ‘Tip and Run’ raids...
My grandmother and I had been into the orchard to pick blackberries and Bramley apples, in order for her to...
My brother was on a motor torpedo boat all from Southampton all through the war in around 1941 then he was...
They had one woman doing their washing and always kept the same woman as they got used to the way they did...
By 1939, strange new buildings were being put up in the playground of our school.We soon found out that...
It was not so on that morning for me for I had volunteered to assist in the fitting of gas masks on...
My father a former regular soldier was called up and was given the rank of Sergeant Gunnery and drill...
My mother bought thick black material for ‘black-out’ curtains and was busy sewing them up on...
At that time German bombers would fly over Whitstable to drop sea mines to attempt to blow up water traffic...
The first harrowing experience I had was two German parachutists banging the door where I was staying in an...
My father was in the Navy as a Lieutenant Commander, but as he was an architect he was assigned to an...
My Gran went to school on the bus to Chester and she and her friends had to take their gaskmasks to school...