My lasting memory of the war is my brother dancing around at the bottom of the bed making as much noise as...
My husband would have been about 9 years old, he would collect as much shrapnel as he could after any air...
As I was running home I heard the doodlebug behind me, I was scared and I was convinced it was chasing me...
During the early part of the war-after Dunkirk-my husband was driving a Bren carrier through the...
My Grandad Tony was three when him and his sisters were sent to Scotland because of the war... One day him...
A child being 8 years old, spent their time in cellars under St Georges Hall. She remembers it feeling like...
I remember Rolls Royce factory being bombed... I woke up one morning and found that my front door had been...
My lasting Memory of World War II is鈥as only four years old when the war started and my main memory...
I remember being evacuated along with my two brothers. It was a happy time....
We would go to school during the war but after a while we didn't all go at the same time so that...
I didn't want my son to be a soldier I didn't want my son to go and fight But when England was...
So I had a Mickey Mouse Gas Mask, not an adult one. Later in the 1960's I told some friends about me...
I often looked in Cow Shipping, where the owner, Mr Baxter, would milk his cows. During one bad air raid...
My lasting Memory of World War II is鈥 remember quite plain standing with my mother and sister...
In Whitehead Rd, Clifton, where I lived, we had a very big street party with food, music, and flags...
When I was about 8 years old I remember sitting in my garden in Llanellan near Abergavenny. All I could see...
Beore the war, I was at junior school... At some houses, we were spoilt with tea and cakes, whereas at...
Along with several thousand other Bradford, West Yorkshire children, my sister and I were evacuated on the...
The original of my story is stored in the Imperial War Museum and I attach its collection details. Unable...
When coming home to see my family, I can vaguely remember bombs being dropped locally and on Liverpool......
my life...
One time we were in a police station in Walton we had a call to say Walton hospital had been bombed and...