During the last war my mother was very fortunate to have a very good friend, Edith Ball who owned a grocery...
Each day brought a scramble for food to feed us all: by about eleven o'clock, mother would have his...
My father was a carpet weaver at MacKay's factory in Durham. Other members of the family were also...
The rationing which from memory, ended up as 2oz of butter, water and margerine, 2oz of lard, quarter pound...
My dolls pram was very old and would be an antique if I had kept it. At home we didn't go to...
During the day we'd scour the streets for bits of shrapnel which were our wartime 'souvenirs'....
Dad kept chickens to feed the family during the war... One day we sat down for our Sunday dinner, mother...
Mum met Dad during the war... When they were going out on a date, Mum would do her legs with gravy browning...
I lived in Walker near the ship yards were there was lots of air raids but not as many as london had......
My father was a carpet weaver at MacKay's factory in Durham. Other members of the family were also...
Mary Ferguson lived in Gailes, near Irvine during the war and remembers bombs trying to hit the trains...
We used to get free school meals because Dad was in the army. When bombing in Sheffield started we went in...
On one occasion, my mum had been able to get some sausages for our midday dinner... In the shelter we just...
Peggy Bradley — Rationing and a Cow Even after the war, in 1946, we were still rationed for various...
Kathleen & Ivy came along to the Birmingham Back to Backs 1940s event to tell their story to a National...
Another boy brought a banana in, his father was in the navy and he had given it to him. The banana was...
Mrs. Kathleen Nevin was 9 or 10 during the war and she shared these memories with me of her childhood in...
Many of these were allocated at Stormont, in the grounds of the Parliament Buildings, where I spent many a...
.......the "Horse Shoes" public house was occupied by Charles Hales, early war work saw a change of...
As a family we holidayed in Portrush and went for a number of picnics to the seaside at Bangor, Donaghadee...
We had evacuees staying with us for the whole of the war — the Grandmother and most of the children...
These recollections were written by her niece Mrs Dorothy Stenner. The most vivid memory my aunt has of...