To my brother and me the sound of the pom pom guns was just as game. I remember my brother collecting...
' I rember the blackouts, you wernt allowed a light on with out a curtain up to black it out incase it...
I am Jewish and as I stood there 鈥渞esting on my arms reseved鈥 my thoughts turned to my...
Early in the war in January the Grand Cinema in Kidderminster held a Christmas party for local children. As...
During the London blitz as a boy of 8 or 9 years I lived in Chingford,Essex,My Aunt and Uncle were living...
The bomb blew out all our windows and because of that we were evacuated to Winlaton until our house was...
I was evacuated to Biggen Hill out to relations, then they started to bomb the airfield so I was sent back...
Seconds later I heard the crash as it landed on the railway lines in the cutting close to Gravel Path...
Then she invited them to come for some lunch,as it happend we had our meat ration for the week,a joint of...
Somehow we'd always have a birthday cake on our birthdays 鈥 I don't know how my mother did...
The Germans started to bomb Essex so we were then sent to Torquay. Bombing started in Torquay 鈥 the...
John was 3 when the war was declared and was to young to remeber anything about the day war was declared at...
Early in 1941, Miss Emily Wilcox, my 8th grade teacher at Elizabeth Street School in Norwich, Connecticut...
My friend Jack and I had been to Sunday School and when we got back to my home my mother said "Jack...
I was still at School during the War 鈥 Denbigh Road Infant and Junior School One vivid memory I have...
My Dad was posted to India; I went to a deaf school as a border run by the LCC in Anally near...
On the 1st September myself and my 3 brothers Reginald (12), Harry (9) and Eric (7) were taken to a railway...
Dad had put bunk beds and seats in to make it more comfy, and Mam always had a bag of food and...
We girls had to catch the sheep and put them in the dip dyke... The other girl lost hold of the back...
However the one instance that I do recall most clearly happened one Christmas, when I went to bed under the...
Apart from learning the basics of nursing, we had the opportunity to help at the Leys School in Cambridge....
Whilst staying in Fareham I woke one morning and peered out of the tiny bedroom window. 1 The night I was...