He and other lads from his school used to chase the buzz bombs on their pushbikes to collect the shrapnel....
My aunt Ada Vine used to work at Austin's and I remember going to see her at work and watching them...
I don't remember too much about the war as we weren't bombed in Stevenage but I remember watching...
In 1938 Dulwich College Prep School evacuated to Cranbrook Kent in huts... The boys who went by train had...
My Mum and Dad lived at Hilders Bungalow, Redding Street on the Appledore Road out of Tenterden. Dad was in...
The reason was she feared it was a German officer power trooper. Five years after the war had ended my...
I lived in the suburbs of London, in Middlesex. People used to like to call us Londoners but we refused to...
My mother, brother and I were privately evacuated to some members of my father's family in August 1939,...
When war first broke out the reason why Gwen was evacuated was because her auntie told her mam to send her...
My brother Richard, was in the Air Force. My other brother, Roger, worked at Rolls-Royce, then got called...
At the outbreak of WWII I was working as a shopping assistant at Brown's General Store in Wykeham, near...
The two boys were brothers, Raymond & Bobby, five and six and a half respectively... The boys'...
I can remember my Mam crying because she hadn't had a telegram from my brother because he was in the...
I saw all the stars and feeling very spiritual, and at the same time saw Lancaster bombers going out, and...
I also remember the parties we had on VE and VJ days — I remember I was working at Mitcham's at...
One Christmas Sunday they invited German POWs to our chapel. They were Lutherens and had been going into...
A I joined the women's Land Army. Q What sorts of jobs did you do in the Land Army....
When I joined the W.A.A.F. in 1943, I couldn't understand why my country needed me; five feet 2 inches,...
My home was Gosport, but I was living with Gran at that time... They started having what they called...
Later in the War, Dad was attached to a Canadian Unit in the south who went over on the Normandy...