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Evgenia Asanova

Mezzo-soprano from Russia - 26 years old

I was born in Tashkent and grew up in Ryazan. I studied piano at the Pirogov Ryazan Musical College, moving on to vocal studies, and graduated with a diploma in vocal performance. In 2012-13 I worked in the Yurlov State Academic Choir Capella and in 2014 I appeared with the Rostov State Musical Theatre as Olga (Eugene Onegin) and Laura (Iolanta). Then, I joined the Young Artist Programme of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and in 2016 I made my debut with the Bolshoi as Fyodor (Boris Godunov). In 2016 I went to the Accademia Lirica di Osimo, Italy.

In 2017 I performed the role of Garcias (Massenet’s Don Quichotte), conducted by Tugan Sokhiev, at the Vienna Musikverein and the Capitole de Toulouse. Also in 2017 I took part in the Bolshoi’s tour to the Aix-en-Provence and the Savonlinna festivals, performing Olga (Eugene Onegin). In 2018 I gained 1st prize at the Georg Ots International Festival Competition in St Petersburg and was nominated for the prize of the Chigi Academy of Music in Siena. In the 2019/2020 season I was a guest soloist at the Hanover State Opera in Germany singing Hänsel (Hänsel und Gretel), Bradamante (Alcina), and the title role in Carmen. In 2021/22 I join the State Opera of Bern in Switzerland as soloist.

I love theatre and dancing. I also love motorbikes but don't have one at the moment.

Evgenia Asanova

Mezzo-Soprano, 26 oed, Rwsia

Ces fy ngeni yn Tashkent a’m magu yn Ryazan. Astudiais biano yng Ngholeg Cerdd Pirogov Ryazan, gan symud ymlaen i waith lleisiol, a graddio gyda diploma mewn perfformio lleisiol. Yn 2012-13 gweithiais yn Capella, Côr Academaidd Gwladol Yurlov ac yn 2014 ymddangosais gyda Theatr Gerdd Wladol Rostov fel Olga (Eugene Onegin) a Laura (Iolanta). Wedyn, ymunais â Rhaglen Artistiaid Ifanc Theatr y Bolshoi ym Moscow ac yn 2016 gwnes fy ymddangosiad cyntaf gyda’r Bolshoi fel Fyodor (Boris Godunov). Yn 2016 euthum i’r Accademia Lirica di Osimo, yr Eidal.

Yn 2017 perfformiais ran Garcias (Don Quichotte Massenet), dan arweiniad Tugan Sokhiev, yn y Vienna Musikverein a’r Capitole de Toulouse. Hefyd yn 2017 cymerais ran yn nhaith y Bolshoi i wyliau Aix-en-Provence a Savonlinna, gan berfformio Olga (Eugene Onegin). Yn 2018 enillais wobr gyntaf yng nghystadleuaeth G诺yl Ryngwladol Georg Ots yn St Petersburg a chefais fy enwebu am wobr Academi Gerdd Chigi yn Siena. Yn nhymor 2019/2020 roeddwn yn unawdydd gwadd gyda Chwmni Opera Hanover yn yr Almaen gan ganu Hänsel (Hänsel und Gretel), Bradamante (Alcina), a’r brif ran yn Carmen. Yn 2021/22 rwy’n ymuno â Chwmni Opera Bern yn y Swistir fel unawdydd.

Mae gen i gariad at theatr a dawnsio. Mae gen i gariad at foto-beics hefyd, ond does gen i ddim un ar y funud.