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Reginald Smith JR

Baritone from USA - 32 years old

I’m a native of Atlanta, Georgia, and was a Grand Finals winner of the 2015 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. I’m also a graduate of the Houston Grand Opera Studio. Last season I made my debut at the Metropolitan Opera as Jim (Porgy and Bess) followed by Amonasro (Aida) with the Houston Grand Opera and Jake (Porgy and Bess) with the Atlanta Opera.

My previous operatic roles have included Marcello (La bohème), Falke (Die Fledermaus), Sharpless (Madama Butterfly), Giorgio Germont, (La traviata), The Pirate King (The Pirates of Penzance), Capulet (Roméo et Juliette), Count Almaviva (Le nozze di Figaro) and Amonasro (Aida). Concert engagements include Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem, Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, Mozart’s Requiem and Coronation Mass, Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb, the Fauré and Duruflé Requiems, Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Schoenberg’s Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, Handel’s Messiah and Berlioz’s Roméo et Juliette. My 2020-2021 season included returns to the Atlanta Opera as Tonio (Pagliacci) and to the Dallas Symphony in a concert honouring the victims of racial violence and injustice. I also reprise Jake (Porgy and Bess) with New Orleans Opera.

I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. I also like travelling and exploring, watching sports, and enjoying time with family and friends.

Reginald Smith JR

Bariton, 32 oed, Uda

Rwy’n frodor o Atlanta, Georgia, ac yn enillydd Gornest Derfynol Clyweliadau Cyngor Cenedlaethol Opera’r Metropolitan yn 2015. Rwyf hefyd wedi graddio o’r Houston Grand Opera Studio. Y tymor diwethaf gwnes fy ymddangosiad cyntaf yn y Metropolitan Opera fel Jim (Porgy and Bess) ac wedyn Amonasro (Aida) gyda’r Houston Grand Opera a Jake (Porgy and Bess) gyda’r Atlanta Opera.

Ymhlith y rhannau operatig a ganais mae Marcello (La bohème), Falke (Die Fledermaus), Sharpless (Madama Butterfly), Giorgio Germont (La traviata), Brenin y Morladron(The Pirates of Penzance), Capulet (Roméo et Juliette), Count Almaviva (Le nozze di Figaro) ac Amonasro (Aida). Mae gweithiau cyngerdd wedi cynnwys Ein deutsches Requiem Brahms, Missa Solemnis Beethoven, Requiem a Coronation Mass Mozart, Rejoice in the Lamb Britten, Requiems Fauré a Duruflé, Elijah Mendelssohn, Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte Schoenberg, Messiah Handel a Roméo et Juliette Berlioz. Roedd tymor 2020-2021 i mi’n cynnwys dychwelyd i Gwmni Opera Atlanta fel Tonio (Pagliacci) ac i’r Dallas Symphony mewn cyngerdd i anrhydeddu dioddefwyr trais ac anghyfiawnder hiliol. Rwyf hefyd yn canu Jake (Porgy and Bess) eto gyda New Orleans Opera.

Rwy’n mwynhau coginio a rhoi cynnig ar ryseitiau newydd, a hefyd yn hoff o deithio a chrwydro, gwylio chwaraeon, a mwynhau amser gyda’m teulu a’m ffrindiau.