Idiots Guide to Live Links on IB. And a couple o Norway pix at the end.
Posted: Monday, 01 October 2007 |
OK, in response to FC's plea, here is my Idiot's Guide to Live Links I.B. Style. (And believe me, it needs to be an Idiot's Guide, cos I wouldn't have a scooby otherwise.)
ANYHOO, say you were writing your blog, it would look a bit like this.....
bla-de-bla-de-bla, click on this link here to find out more:
Then comes the tricky bit. You don't actually write the web address here. You must
1. Click on the button above that says LINK. It's third in a line of buttons that say BOLD ITALIC LINK BLOCK QUOTE INSERT IMAGE(S) etc etc.
2. Once that button is clicked, you should get a little box on your screen that is called:
Explorer User Prompt
Then in that box there is a box you can type in that says http:/ /. THIS is where you type your address, starting with www. I usually click on this box first, so that the http bit is not highlighted any more, then put the address after it.
3. Click the OK button.
4. Once you have done this, your link will appear in your draft like this:

(Sorry, but I can't type all that stuff in here, I tried doing it all sorts o different and creative ways, but IB has technical reasons for disallowing it.)
WELL, now we get to the important part.
5. You see after my web address, it's followed by those two peedie arrows, that I've drawn attention to with my own beautifully drawn Red Arrows, thats where you must put the writing that you actually want to appear on your blog. It becomes the 'CLICKABLE BUTTON' To begin with I didn't put anything there, so there was just a blank space where I expected to see a web address. That's what I found the confusing part.
6. So my draft would now read
bla-de-bla-de-bla, click on this link here to find out more:

And would appear on my live blog like this:
bla-de-bla-de-bla, click on this link here to find out more:
Phew! That was stressfull! Now I feel the need to lighten the mood a bit.
A couple weekends ago I was once more with my boyfriend in Norge, and I had a great weekend, sailing in a regatta to Fedje. Here's a couple pix, just to lighten the moment.

ANYHOO, say you were writing your blog, it would look a bit like this.....
bla-de-bla-de-bla, click on this link here to find out more:
Then comes the tricky bit. You don't actually write the web address here. You must
1. Click on the button above that says LINK. It's third in a line of buttons that say BOLD ITALIC LINK BLOCK QUOTE INSERT IMAGE(S) etc etc.
2. Once that button is clicked, you should get a little box on your screen that is called:
Explorer User Prompt
Then in that box there is a box you can type in that says http:/ /. THIS is where you type your address, starting with www. I usually click on this box first, so that the http bit is not highlighted any more, then put the address after it.
3. Click the OK button.
4. Once you have done this, your link will appear in your draft like this:

(Sorry, but I can't type all that stuff in here, I tried doing it all sorts o different and creative ways, but IB has technical reasons for disallowing it.)
WELL, now we get to the important part.
5. You see after my web address, it's followed by those two peedie arrows, that I've drawn attention to with my own beautifully drawn Red Arrows, thats where you must put the writing that you actually want to appear on your blog. It becomes the 'CLICKABLE BUTTON' To begin with I didn't put anything there, so there was just a blank space where I expected to see a web address. That's what I found the confusing part.
6. So my draft would now read
bla-de-bla-de-bla, click on this link here to find out more:

And would appear on my live blog like this:
bla-de-bla-de-bla, click on this link here to find out more:
Phew! That was stressfull! Now I feel the need to lighten the mood a bit.
A couple weekends ago I was once more with my boyfriend in Norge, and I had a great weekend, sailing in a regatta to Fedje. Here's a couple pix, just to lighten the moment.

Posted on Ruthodanort at 18:59
Island Bloggers Spanish Style
Posted: Tuesday, 09 October 2007 |
Recently there was a bit of a Spanish celebration, and some Bloggers got into the spirit of things.....

If Puffinbilly had still been blogging, I would now have directed you to a previous photo of this Bull in another guise, but unfortunately he has let his blog die. Maybe some of the old-timers can remember? The Cardinal is one third of the Spanish Inquisition. (Don't know where the other two thirds were, maybe they were late...)
Can you guess the Bloggers in the pic?

If Puffinbilly had still been blogging, I would now have directed you to a previous photo of this Bull in another guise, but unfortunately he has let his blog die. Maybe some of the old-timers can remember? The Cardinal is one third of the Spanish Inquisition. (Don't know where the other two thirds were, maybe they were late...)
Can you guess the Bloggers in the pic?
Posted on Ruthodanort at 07:16
Posted: Thursday, 25 October 2007 |
We demand answers!!
Are you holding him hostage? How much do you want? Can we afford it? Why have you deleted his blogs? How long must we wait to get him back?
I wish I'd had the presence of mind to copy that photo of him before IBHQ got rid of it, but if someone else has it, maybe you could do a LOST PERSON poster?
Anne, we demand answers, and also the return of TWS!!
Are you holding him hostage? How much do you want? Can we afford it? Why have you deleted his blogs? How long must we wait to get him back?
I wish I'd had the presence of mind to copy that photo of him before IBHQ got rid of it, but if someone else has it, maybe you could do a LOST PERSON poster?
Anne, we demand answers, and also the return of TWS!!
Posted on Ruthodanort at 21:44
H酶st (Autumn) in Norway
Posted: Monday, 29 October 2007 |
Just been a peedie visit to see my Norski boyfriend, and, for me, a tree deprived Orcadian Shetlander, it was a treat.
He told me that a lot of the leaves had fallen during the previous weekend when they had strong wind, but it looked pretty good to me.
I went a peedie trip to Voss on the train, and took a few photos from the window. Sorry about the blurry bits and reflections!

But I didn't need to go far from the house for some nice views. These are all from the area i stayed, not too far from Bergen.

I got home Thursday evening, and woke the next morning to a southerly gale with grey skies and rain. Can't complain, though, I've been spoiled this last week.
He told me that a lot of the leaves had fallen during the previous weekend when they had strong wind, but it looked pretty good to me.
I went a peedie trip to Voss on the train, and took a few photos from the window. Sorry about the blurry bits and reflections!

But I didn't need to go far from the house for some nice views. These are all from the area i stayed, not too far from Bergen.

I got home Thursday evening, and woke the next morning to a southerly gale with grey skies and rain. Can't complain, though, I've been spoiled this last week.
Posted on Ruthodanort at 07:30