Christmas Shopping
Posted: Wednesday, 05 December 2007 |
I went on a Christmas Shopping Weekend Trip to...............the Metropolis of Kirkwall!
The weather couldn't have been kinder, the ferry trip down was smooth, and it stayed calm almost all weekend.

My Mum woke me early on Sunday morning to see the dawn.

Anyone recognise the big green boat? I looked for DoaD, but I think she was sooth getting that reward!

A few weekends ago, I dragged my wares to my second Craft Fair of the season, and, with the help of Daughter No 1 and Muness Views, had a very successful time. They posed for this pic, and I promised to include it, so here you are,
My Two Glamorous Assistants...

The weather couldn't have been kinder, the ferry trip down was smooth, and it stayed calm almost all weekend.

My Mum woke me early on Sunday morning to see the dawn.

Anyone recognise the big green boat? I looked for DoaD, but I think she was sooth getting that reward!

A few weekends ago, I dragged my wares to my second Craft Fair of the season, and, with the help of Daughter No 1 and Muness Views, had a very successful time. They posed for this pic, and I promised to include it, so here you are,
My Two Glamorous Assistants...

Posted on Ruthodanort at 22:52
Jul i Norge
Posted: Wednesday, 26 December 2007 |
Christmas in Norway. Norwegian kids get just as big a rush from it as our kids do, and Norwegians eat and drink to excess just as we do, but there are some significant differences!
On Christmas Eve my boyfriend and myself were invited to his sisters house, where they were all set for a traditional celebration.
Norwegians do the whole "big dinner" thing on the evening of the 24th, with a meal of Pinnekjott (lamb ribs that are "cured" to a special recipe) and tatties and neeps. For dessert it's traditional to have Riskrem, a special rice pudding, made the previous day then mixed with whipped cream and served cold with a fruit sauce. All the food was absolutely delicious, the Pinnekjott was tender and full of flavour. It's traditional to drink Aquavit with it, and I did try some, but it reminded me a lot of hairspray, so went back to the wine pretty fast!

During the meal, the kids were almost out of their skin with excitement, as straight after dinner is the time they open their presents. This part of Christmas was very similar to what I am used to, the only difference here being that the kids are dressed smartly, instead of their p.j's, which is what my kids seem to end up wearing for a large part of the day.
So on the 25th parents get to have a lie in, as their kids are busy playing with their presents that they opened the previous day. Sounds like a good idea to me!
Today we went skiing. And my limbs are still intact, so I guess it was pretty successful. So thanks for all who gave me advice on this matter, it must have worked! Although, to be honest, I would say I spent 20% of the time skiing, and
80% on my behind. (Oops, no, I just got this proof read by my boyfriend, he says 5 and 95 would be more accurate.)

On Christmas Eve my boyfriend and myself were invited to his sisters house, where they were all set for a traditional celebration.
Norwegians do the whole "big dinner" thing on the evening of the 24th, with a meal of Pinnekjott (lamb ribs that are "cured" to a special recipe) and tatties and neeps. For dessert it's traditional to have Riskrem, a special rice pudding, made the previous day then mixed with whipped cream and served cold with a fruit sauce. All the food was absolutely delicious, the Pinnekjott was tender and full of flavour. It's traditional to drink Aquavit with it, and I did try some, but it reminded me a lot of hairspray, so went back to the wine pretty fast!

During the meal, the kids were almost out of their skin with excitement, as straight after dinner is the time they open their presents. This part of Christmas was very similar to what I am used to, the only difference here being that the kids are dressed smartly, instead of their p.j's, which is what my kids seem to end up wearing for a large part of the day.
So on the 25th parents get to have a lie in, as their kids are busy playing with their presents that they opened the previous day. Sounds like a good idea to me!
Today we went skiing. And my limbs are still intact, so I guess it was pretty successful. So thanks for all who gave me advice on this matter, it must have worked! Although, to be honest, I would say I spent 20% of the time skiing, and
80% on my behind. (Oops, no, I just got this proof read by my boyfriend, he says 5 and 95 would be more accurate.)

Posted on Ruthodanort at 22:51