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16 October 2014


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Me - timid??????

Hi all

Thanks for the feedback I get from you all. It makes me think that there are other mad people like me in the world that think this blogging lark is just a bit of fun.

One thing I am not is timid. My family and friends would laugh at that one. I am just not sure of the etiquette ( not sure of the spelling) of blogging. My friends and family would laugh at the idea that I am thought of as timid.

The weather over the weekend was lovely but today it is pouring. Not cold, just really wet. Never mind it is nearly October after all.

I was in the revamped supermarket today. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not sure about it. When you go in it looks lovely and airy and as if there is loads of room.
Aisles 1,2 and 3 certainly seem wide enough but by the time you get to the last aisle where the freezers and wine are you could hardly swing a cat. Though why you would be wanting to swing a cat or any other animal in the supermarket on a rainy day in Rothesay is beyond me. ( I am not condoning this type of behaviour and no animals were harmed when writing this blog.) The last aisle is were people like me browse and take their time looking at the fantastic (I am kidding) selection of frozen products or the wine (usually looking for the cheapest with the biggest dimple). So I am not even sure 2 trollies could pass in this aisle. Certainly those big massive trollies would not be able to pass each other.
What can we do?

I feel I have to explain the big dimple comment. A friend once told me that you could tell a good wine by the size of the dimple on the bottom of the bottle. Don`t think it is true but somehow I can`t help myself.

So the disadvantages and advantages for the day are

Disadvantages - Miserable weather today ( but still lovely to look out at)
The supermarket in Rothesay.

Advantages - Just living here is a plus point.

Names for the day are

Calum or Chrystie



Posted on wilma at 14:46


No indeedy definitely not timid! Being an islandblogger means never having to say you're sorry...mind you, there was I all ready to get in a right fluff over the swinging a cat bit when I read on and found the disclaimer...*prrrrr*

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

*very* glad to hear you're not timid Wilma ... :-) We need people with a bit of something about them these days ... people with views and opinions ... willing to defend those views also ... Indeed, I often find myself playing 'devils advocate', defending something that I really am not in favour of, simply because I *love* a good spirited discussion ... How did 'swinging a cat' first enter our language anyhow, I wonder ...? It does sort of suggest that at one time, folk really *did* swing cats for measuring or sizing purposes ...??!!

soaplady from fluffing her feathers up ...

I figured that FC would get upset about the swinging cat comment...I quite like the name Callum... Enjoy the revamped supermarket! Never heard of the wine/ dimple theory...

thelovelyOutlander from reading your blog and using a lot of ...

Maybe you could suggest the supermarket re-organise the aisles? Or ... make the place bigger ... another brick in the wall? Does a dimple signify good breeding [in the human race] as well, and if so, where should the dimple be?

Plaid from No Dimple

Not Chrystie. Whatever you do, don't choose a name that has to be spelled out every time. It's a lifelong burden!

Jill from EK

I know, think of all those poor Kayleighs...I remember a whisky bottle with lots of dimples, but I'm getting a bit vague as time passes...

Flying Cat from a simply-named cat

I think the cat that was swung was a "Cat o' Ninetails" rather than a relative of EffCee.

Barney from Swithiod catterwauling


Flying Cat from a vast behind

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