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16 October 2014


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lots more to come

Hi all

Working very hard this week on all sorts of things including" real work". So have not had a chance to post.

However, if the weather is good this weekend, I hope to be out and about taking pictures of this beautiful island to share with you all.

Whwn walking down the town yesterday, I noticed the enormous amount of old gum on the ground. Once I had noticed it on the pavement outside one shop, I was aware how much there was all over the place. You can obviously spot the shops etc where kids congregate. Though I am not saying it is all kids who chew their gum and throw it on the ground. What a mess. A power hose every now and again would get rid of this horrible mess.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I must be getting old and grumpy.

Babies names today are

Kirstie and Kieran

And added to my xmas list is

The Mamma Mia DVD


Posted on wilma at 09:32


I like Kieran--don't forget about Kate/ Katie! I hope you get out to take some photos!

thelovelyOutlander from over here

Kelda...Karl... I'm really looking forward to seeing your photos Wilma. You could have 10 people taking pics of the same place and they'd all turn out different.

Flying Cat from all agog

Wilma, If you can't wash it off, and you can't scrape it off make artwork out of it. see <http://www.flickr.com/photos/rahid1/sets/286517/>

CVBruce from CA, USA

Yip mine are usually different. Out of focus, heads cut off, my feet etc,etc

Wilma from Bute

Gosh, that sounds gory enough to satisfy a cat...

Flying Cat from heads, tails and oopsadaisy

Those are quite nice names, why Kirstie with an ie though? And I always thought Kieran was spelt with a C (or is that the Irish spelling?), how about Kathleen, Krystal and Kipper? On the chewing gum note though I have noticed that many people who chew it and spit it out willy nilly are smokers or ex smokers. Whilst you're at it what about all the ciggarette ends that can be found lying around? As for Mamma Mia, I thought it was a shame none of the male actors could sing which I was sure was meant to be quite integral to the film. Hope the photos are good.

Mags from Ayrshire

I'm fairly sure actors don't have to be able to sing much to be in a film musical...or any musical for that matter.

Flying Cat from a genre too far

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