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16 October 2014


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Red Elastic Bands??

Feel that I am becoming a Victor Mildrew these days. What with dog poo etc. But has anybody else noticed the large amounts of red elastic bands lying about the streets?

After some investigations, I have discovered they come from the post. They are used to tie the letters together and when the letters are delivered, the bands are discarded.

Okay, I am not accusing every post person of littering the streets but there are definately a lot of elastic bands about. As these post people don`t seem to be stroppy teenagers or kids, then you think they would know better.



Recycling in my street seems like quite a big thing and I notice many bins and green and white bags out for our fortnightly recycling. It would be good if they could do a doorstep collection of glass as well. All those dimpled bottles soon add up and get too heavy ( and noisy) to take to a public recycling centre.

Sun is shining today, in between heavy showers but still mild.

Names for today

Erin or Evann



Posted on wilma at 13:57


Wilma, I find so many uses for elastic bands, I use them for my pony tail, to seal christmas puddings in their muslin, to keep lids tightly affixed and the kids are always on the look out for elastic bands, for example in meccano and lego model making. A wonderful invention the elastic band !!

Squidgy the Otter from Coll

If you gather enough you could fashion a control-panel-girdle type thing!

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

I have been reading your blogs with interest and have a few ideas for you. 1. Put the elastic bands around the dimpled bottles and then they wont chink as much. 2. If this does not appeal, buy a box of wine and imagine a dimple. 3. Your name choices are of concern, I do hope that you are not allowed to have too great an imput into the name of the child. I (as you can see) am tainted - and relatively young. 4. GPs on islands do not have enough knowledge to be able to competently run rural hospitals. It becomes dangerous when said GPs start considering themselves as gods and refusing to ask for assistance or admitting that they might need help. 5. The helicopter staff are absolutely fantastic, my brother in law was taken off an island once and was well treated indeed. (Needless to say it was my sister who had caused him to get very ill) 6. Large dimples are essential for white wine, corks preferable, screw tops essential. (Saves the hassle of having to read the label whilst swinging said cat)

Winifred from Glasgow

The PO elastic bands are a good size, not too small and not too big (just right, like Goldilocks). Our postie sometimes very obligingly leaves one on the doorstep for me. I wouldn't pick them up in the street, though! Not to keep, at any rate.

Jill from EK

I forgot: Evan perhaps but not Evann.

Jill from EK

Winifred, I thought you might be named after the saint of the same name until you disgraced yourself by compounding the cat-swinging feliny! Now I'm wondering if it was Aunt Winifred in the Forsyte Saga...

Flying Cat from in a fluff

sorry if this disturbs anyone but I am an artist and have been 'collecting' red elastic bands for over 3 years!!! Many uses, even in art. I have now got my kids and other family and friends handing them to me!!! Don't worry - I know its obsessive but it seems such a waste to leave them there.....

margaret gilbertson from ek

You could make an impromptu cricket ball...or is it golf? Two games that equal one another in pointless screaming boredom...to a cat...

Flying Cat from red rubber balls

found 23!!! today. keeps my daughter focused when we are out near busy roads!! xx

margaret gilbertson from ek

The bands have reached the South End of the Island. How many would we need to make a continuous link from Rhobodach to the Garrioch Head lighthouse

George from Kilchattan Bay, Bute

I started picking up red bands because I was worried the birds might think they were worms and choke on them! Collecting them reminded me of collecting shells on the beach -good exercise bending and a reward! I have found them very useful (after a good soak ) and recently have found a lovely way of storing them (pls can I send an attachment to explain) As I am a keen recycler I have been using ducks (plastic bottle-shaped ducks for germ & limescale removal in WC) -first I decided the duck was missing its feathers -so picked them up on pavement & country walks & pierced a hole to insert-a most glamourous duck. The next one was another colour, green so I collected all sorts of red berries, stuck into holes, with water in the bottle, lasted fresh and now dry, and finally another Duck -white! what better than the red bands in a very pretty pattern, and a lovely place to store them until used. Everything on the duck is elastic bands, little blue ones from Spring onion bunches as eyes, and a lovely necklace for the duck of purple Asparagus bunches. All awaiting re-use. Ive also kept 3 tall jam-jars together in a row by 2 bands top and bottom -the first contains injections awaiting use, the second bottle has the yellow peel off outer protection & the inner needle cover -which Im saving for necklaces. The third bottle contains the used injection needle outer cover which Im also using for necklaces! My friend has a lovely red bouncy ball, bounces well, and the place to keep the bands

Jessica Strang from London E1

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