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16 October 2014


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A ticking off.

Guess what? I got a "nice" ticking off from the beeb moderater. In my last blog I wrote a comment about some other blogger and I got ticked off. Mmmmm I can take it! Though I do think it was fair what I said. I just said I wasnt sure about the authenticity of this blogger.

Anyway, it has been another gorgous day here. Perfect Autumn weather. Perfect for Halloween on Friday. Plenty of kids about guising and lots came to the door. I never invite the kids in as I want to protect myself from accusations. I am always surprised about the amount of children I dont know, all young and in a wee group that appear at my door. Where are the parents? Although I sometimes see some lurking around the corner. Halloween has certainly changed a bit from my days. Happy to get a biscuit, fruit and nuts. Now its money they want. Scrooge me, insists on fruit, sweets etc.

Not long till Christmas now. All the shops are full of stuff. Cards, decoration, selection boxes etc etc. I love it!!!!!

I did threaten to put my Xmas list on here for the benefit of my family.

Here goes ( a start)

A kenwood Food mixer ( about 拢199.00) not the cheap one.
Sleeping beauty DVD
DS Lite and brain training
"Special" gold earrings

I will update the list every week.
If you want page numbers for the argos catalogue I will supply.

Names for today are

Jonty and Jilly



Posted on wilma at 17:15


Tsk, tsk, what a naughty blogger you are. Can you tell me the name of the blogger, that you were questioning the authenticity of? If not, name the island, then I'll get my defective hat on, and find the blogger. I hope Santa will be good to you. Cheery..

Tws... from Whitesettlerville

I could`nt possibly name the couple of bloggers or they may do a "Jonathon Ross" to me. But ut "could" be persons from my Island.

wilma from Bute

I too got a ticking off from the bbc - I tried, several times to write a blog about messrs Ross and Brand, but I used a word which Carol said was offensive - VERY offensive - and at this late stage of my life I learn this... Ruthodanort enlightened me...the shame... anyway I ended up withdrawing the post as it was getting boring before being aired. Ah well. mutter mutter...

scallowawife from fingers rapped

I've had a ticking off too ...! for getting carried away in description and giving just too much information about people where I really shouldn't have - well fair enough ... :-) Just wondering whether the word scallowife used was the same one I blurted out at the dinner table, giving my dad apoplexy and earning myself a night in my room, when I was 11 ... I thought it was another word for twit ... :-)

soaplady from toeing the line ...

yes! at least you were 11 - I'm mumble...mumble old enough...

scallowawife from under the duvet

I've been ticked off so many times that if there was a record for being ticked off, I may well be up there. I knew that I'd be good at something, sometime, isn't that right Carol?

Tws.. from Well Ticked Off

I'm very impressed that people have been told off for various reasons. One thing that I am concerned about is Wilma's choices for names. They do seem to be getting worse and worse. We've been through the Welsh phase and now appear to be going through names from a dubious novel. This niece or nephew that she's soon to have looks like they'll be blighted from an early age.

maggie from central belt

I couldn't possibly comment Tws!

Carol from IBHQ

You just did though.

Tws from No Ticks Here.

I'm dying to know which word scallowawife was ticked off for using...could you not do it with asterisks in the middle? (I'm not asking personal questions just in case you get a hold of the wrong end of the doo-dah). Johan and Jolene...aaaahhhh that takes me back...

Flying Cat from all agog

by chance , EffCee, my comment that got fried answered your question in a manner that was so slightly oblique that also felines will catch on. "Tit for tat, like".

Barney from Swithiod fried again

sounds like twit but with an a... I never knew.... there's a place in both Orkney and Shetland called it, seemed innocent enough....

scallowawife from in the book of pedantics

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