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16 October 2014

wilma - September 2008

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The Weather and the boat

What a Summer we have had. Yesterday(Sunday) was a lovely day and hubbie was busy in the garden. The sun shone and not a spot of rain - brilliant. The rain never seemed to stop during this summer. May and June ( as usual) was lovely and had some really sunny sunny days. As soon as the kids break up for the summer holidays the rain starts.

Living here in Bute, we do seem to get a lot of rain but it never seems to be too cold. So I suppose that is an advantage (and disadvantage) of living here.

The Bute ( the ferry) broke down on Saturday which meant the service was cut to every other boat time. I was away and came back to get the 6.15 ferry, only to discover the next one was the 7pm(and running late) Okay, it was a bit inconvenient but I had a lovely meal at the Seaview cafe whilst waiting.
I consider the ferry a necessary evil. I would not want a bridge but would still like reliable ferry service. I am sure Cal Mac do their best but sometimes it does not seem good enough.

The powers that be are talking about having an hourly ferry service, I think I need to read more about this before I decide who I support.


The Weather

Advantages Not too cold
Disadvantages can be rainy

The Ferry

Advantages We are an Island and the ferry service is not that bad.
Disadvantages Could do with later ferries,and sometimes more reliable.


Posted on wilma at 09:41

That Bridge

My thoughts about that bridge brought a few comments. Here is a few more ramblings about the bridge.

If they "fill in the gap" at Colintraive, where would we go? The road from there leads to Argyll and Oban etc etc OR a long journey to Glasgow etc. What good would that be to commuters etc? Also if you dont have a car what could you do?

If there was a bridge, I feel ( my opinion only) that this would compromise the ferry service to WB.

I love being on an island and am against a bridge.

As for the harbour. What a long drawn out ( and expensive) project that has been and is still not finished. However it does look to my very untrained eye that it is now coming along. I`m not sure when the expected finish date is but SURELY it cant be too far away?

The weather was great again yesterday and Monday and I had a couple of really long walks in the woods with the dogs. A big advantage in Rothesay is the lovely places to walk and enjoy the outdoor scenery. I promise to post photographs soon.

A disadvantage ( although I am sure this problem is the same most places) is the dog dirt. It is an absolute disgrace that owners let their dogs foul the pavement. I say owners because you don`t see many lone dogs wandering about nowadays. Not in Rothesay anyway.

I really think there should be more done about this problem. I am now finding myself becoming a "curtain twitcher" when I see someone with a dog go by. Watching them to make sure there is not a "parcel" left on the pavement outside my house. BUT sure enough I never see it happening, next time I look out there has been a dump and sure as hell someone has walked through it. Yukkkkkkkkkkkk

So what can we do?

So again

Advantages - lovely places to walk with breathtaking scenery for you and your pets.
Disadvantages - The amount of dog poo on the pavements

Motto of the story - Take it home or put it in a bin.


Posted on wilma at 08:21

Things to do during the winter

Now that the " nights are drawing in" all the clubs , courses and things to do are starting up again to keep us busy during those long winter evenings.

Living on Bute, you could be kept busy every night with clubs etc. I went along to the AGM of the local amateur drama group last week. They performed "the Steamie" twice this year. I went to one of the nights and it was fab. The actors were great and the whole production went down well in the town. It certainly gave people plenty to talk about.
This/next years production will be "Stepping Out". That sounds really good. Auditions are in a couple of weeks and then its rehearsals once a week after that. They sound like a fun group of people so I might get involved. Only costs 拢1 a night. What a bargain.

There are loads of other things too. Dancing,(tap, ballroom, etc etc) Historical society, horticultural society, badminton, keep fit, aerobics, yoga. You name it, we`ve got a club.

As for courses, the local college has a great range of courses that can be done either open learning or taught classes. Very reasonable and with an Independant Learning Account you even get help with the fees.

Of course there is also the Rural, though I have to say (controversally) "put me in a home" if I ever say I`m ready for that.

Volunteering work can also keep you busy here. We look for volunteers for everything. Lots of good work and good fun to do.

Youth Groups seem to be a dying trend here on Bute. Years ago we everything, Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Guides, Scouts etc.

Nowadays I think there is Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Army cadets and a small group of Beavers (small scouts) But they are always looking for adult help.

I`ve mentioned before all the lovely walks and scenery and this stays with us even during the winter.


Advantages - Lots to do

Disadvantages - Cant think of one today.



PS I`m going to be an Auntie soon and trying to think of names.
Todays names Aaron or Alicia ( as in AAAliSSSia)

Posted on wilma at 08:19

Okay, So I was a bit rude!!!!

Okay I admit I was a bit rude about the rural. I love all things domestic, except ironing and love the crafts and cooking. I know I could do the rural thing and enjoy that side of it. But its the politics which often exist in this and other types of groups that I cant do. Won`t write any more about the rural.

As for being rude, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it is so much nicer if it is given without sneering at others opinions.

Names - thanks for the suggestions. It is meant to be a bit toungue in cheek and I do plan to work my way through the alphabet, so any suggestions would be grateful.

It`s another gorgous day in Rothesay today. The sun is shining and the views fantastic.

The boat broke down again this morning and we were back to the every other boat service for a while. Fixed now at lunchtime so all back to normal. For a "new" boat it seems to break down a fair bit. Not sure I would expect this or accept this if it was a new car. Did we buy something that was faulty?

Just picked up the Buteman (local paper) and it looks as if we are now getting a fence around the pier. Have to read more before I comment.

Hope you are all enjoying the weather wherever you are.



Names for today

Ben or Bunty
Posted on wilma at 14:22

Me - timid??????

Hi all

Thanks for the feedback I get from you all. It makes me think that there are other mad people like me in the world that think this blogging lark is just a bit of fun.

One thing I am not is timid. My family and friends would laugh at that one. I am just not sure of the etiquette ( not sure of the spelling) of blogging. My friends and family would laugh at the idea that I am thought of as timid.

The weather over the weekend was lovely but today it is pouring. Not cold, just really wet. Never mind it is nearly October after all.

I was in the revamped supermarket today. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not sure about it. When you go in it looks lovely and airy and as if there is loads of room.
Aisles 1,2 and 3 certainly seem wide enough but by the time you get to the last aisle where the freezers and wine are you could hardly swing a cat. Though why you would be wanting to swing a cat or any other animal in the supermarket on a rainy day in Rothesay is beyond me. ( I am not condoning this type of behaviour and no animals were harmed when writing this blog.) The last aisle is were people like me browse and take their time looking at the fantastic (I am kidding) selection of frozen products or the wine (usually looking for the cheapest with the biggest dimple). So I am not even sure 2 trollies could pass in this aisle. Certainly those big massive trollies would not be able to pass each other.
What can we do?

I feel I have to explain the big dimple comment. A friend once told me that you could tell a good wine by the size of the dimple on the bottom of the bottle. Don`t think it is true but somehow I can`t help myself.

So the disadvantages and advantages for the day are

Disadvantages - Miserable weather today ( but still lovely to look out at)
The supermarket in Rothesay.

Advantages - Just living here is a plus point.

Names for the day are

Calum or Chrystie



Posted on wilma at 14:46

Is a dimple on your bottom a sign of good breeding?

Following on from the earlier theory about good wine, I was asked if this was a sign of good breeding in humans. I`m not sure about that Plaid. But if it is true then I am certainly from quality stock as my (rather large) bottom is full of dimples. OR is it cellulite? I` m not saying!!!!!!!

Our health service here in Bute (in my opinion) is wonderful. There are a couple of doctors who I would prefer not to see. But others think they are wonderful. I think this is the same for anywhere. The practice nurses marion and Alice are great and the Chiropodist Brian is a life saver. I went to see him last week and he sorted my feet out yet again and I am now walking with a spring in my step. Actually the spring is really insoles but they feel great. Thanks Brian.

The Hospital caters well here ( in my opinion) and the accident department is like something out of "Heartbeat" but does a good job in the circumstances. Anyone I have ever taken there has been well impressed how quickly they are seen and dealt with.

Not forgetting , of course, the Dentist Mr Thomson. He has been my dentist for years and gives good service. Again this is my opinion and as usual not everyone is likely to agree.

So all in all, the service is good. Forgot to mention Peter and Michelle, the pharmacists in the local chemists. Very knowledgable and friendly.

Advantages The great service we get from the NHS

Disadvantages Having to travel for specialist services - but as this happens in most other places, I am not sure this can be classed as a disadvantage for Bute.

Names for today Donald or Desiree



Sorry forgot to mention the ambulance/paramedics who are super and of course the paramedics on the helicopter and the sea king too.
Posted on wilma at 13:36

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