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16 October 2014


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Stepping out!!!!!!

Went along to the local drama group auditions and guess what, ended up with a part to play in the production. There are two productions for next year. Stepping Out and the Odd couple. Stepping out involves lots of music and tap dancing, should be good fun. The odd couple is going to be nearly all female due to the serious ;lack of men in the drama group. Should all be good fun and lots of hard work for everyone. Trying to better or equal "The steamie" is going to be hard.

The Buteman is talking about a fence around the pier area again. Not a Colditz type fence, but a fence all the same. All seems a bit of a shame in the name of health and safety. But I suppose if it saves someones life, then it will be good. Will certainly spoil the look of the whole place.

However I think we in Rothesay should hold off on the fence for the moment and see how all the other islands, Mull, Islay, Millport , anywhere else that has a ferry port as they SHOULD be having a fence too. Maybe we all need to stand together to tell someone this is all a piece of nonsense before we all end up with a huge fence greeting us when we arrive on our islands. If a fence has to happen then it has to happen for everywhere and not just Bute. But that is just my opinion.

My son brought home a Wii fit for me last week. Its a game that goes on the television and helps you get fit - or so it proclaims. Still waiting for it to be sorted on to the tv but looking forward to trying it out next week when I have worked out how to set it all up. Looking forward to a new me!!!!!

Hubbie announced the other day that he has been looking at my blog which made me think that I will need to be careful what I say here. However it could work to my advantage as I can post my Christmas list here and he has no excuse for not knowing what to get me. Devious but good idea!!!!!

The railings across the road from my house are looking a bit (a big bit) shabby. I dont think they have been painted for at least 5 years. They belong to the council and I suppose due to cut backs it will not get done for another 5 years. I was wondering if I secretly (maybe in the middle of the night) painted them, anyone would notice? Do you think I could be fined for vandalism? It would sure improve the look of the street.

My names for that new baby coming are

Graham and Gemma


Posted on wilma at 10:44


And I bet nobody ever died falling off the pier during the normal course of everyday (sober) business. Elf&Safety is being used as the excuse for a lot of namby-pamby nonsense. Seemingly, if some twit trespasses on Kirkwall Airport ground and falls down into an old wartime bunker, if it can be proved the defences were not good enough, the trespasser can sue HIAL for compensation for injuries sustained. Bolleaux!!!

Flying Cat from tearing fur oot in clumps (but not under a duvet)

Chances are they wouldn't notice that you painted the railings. After all, they haven't noticed that they need painting. Painting them would be just one more thing for them to not notice. Did that make sense?

CVBruce from CA, USA

I do like Graham...have fun with the Wii Fit--it looks fun! You will have such fun in the play--I used to be quite active in community theatre and it is great fun (most of the time!).

thelovelyOutlander from dreaming of highlands and islands

Gordon of course...and Ghislaine.

Flying Cat from all agog

In the Times yesterday (couldn't get an INdependant) there was a bit about a bloke who for 8 years had been mowing and tidying the stretch of council lawn outside his house. Now he was being ordered to restore it to its original state, becasue it made the adjacent areas of counci lawn look scruffy. Cave pictor!

Barney from Swithiod the TImes they are a changin'

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