Because although the machines could make the nets they couldn't do a selvedge on either side. I do...
Stapleton Road by Trinity Road library near Piggy Lane... My older sister stayed a couple of nights and...
My father brought home one day 13 chickens although because one was lame, we decided to name this one...
One of them went into the army. he was sent to Dunkirk, to take part in the landings but was injured before...
I was six when war was declared, but my elder brother and sisterand brother in law were volunteers as soon...
My sister crided for her milk bottle and my mum returned to the house... I also rememeber a land mine...
My cousin that we were staying with set out to run from Ovington to Prudhoe. Some time after a magnificent...
We used to get free school meals because Dad was in the army. When bombing in Sheffield started we went in...
Living in Ewell, we were bombed and had one of the first doodle bugs which exploded in Riverholme Drive,...
I lived in Newhaven in Sussex during the war, although I was evacuated for a while to Thurleigh in...
I grew up in Manchester during the war, and have recollections of being carried at night and seeing the...
On one occasion, my mum had been able to get some sausages for our midday dinner... In the shelter we just...
HMS Cyclops, the submarine supply ship, had been a German ship in the First War and Lord Haw-Haw said that...
Sometimes we didn't have time to get to the air-raid shelters so the teacher would say "get under...
The center of Swansea,had a three day blitz.Anyway,when I was growing up,The bombed buildings were my,and...
My friend Rene Cook and I one day had to go and get her Aunt some baby's milk and we weren't...
The air-raid siren was situated immediatly outside our front door and had not sounded before an oil bomb...
I had arranged to meet her from work to go to the Princess Cinema on the Ripple Road to see a James...
In 1940 I remember being evacuated from Deptford Broadway with my sister Rene, who was approximate 6 months...
I was evacuated as a baby to Penzance but we went back to Canning Town... While I was in Morecambe, I...
We lived in Thurrock, and could watch all the bombers going in to London, and then see our fighters come in...
Another boy brought a banana in, his father was in the navy and he had given it to him. The banana was...