I left school at 15 and became a fire service messenger for the AFS - Auxhilary Fire Service in Mill St...
My Grandad lived in kendal during the war and during that time he met a young boy of similar age called...
My mother told me this story about the war.We had been "bombed out" and were living on a London...
When Patricia was 6 years old, the children all went from the catholic Filwood School, Knowle by coach to...
I was admitted to Kelling Sanatorium in North Norfolk. My mother had a long journey — Dereham to...
So it was a great experience -. My crew consisted of 7 man- officers: navigator and bomb aimer, wireless...
Houses demolished by bombs and left derelict, my father travelling to Redditch for the night shift at HDA...
I was aged five when the war broke out in 1939 ,the youngest child of nine .my three elder brothers were...
I was a pupil at Bingley Grammar School at the time and we all trooped round the edge of the playing fields...
When I pass through it now, it brings back memories of making model airplanes out of balsa wood, the good...
We went on the long journey to Rothesay in Scotland... Now Rothesay is a very hilly town....
I have memories of a harvest supper and a concert party with the local doctor singing a song from Noel...
My mother decided I would be safer away so suggested I went to Cornwall... We took much longer getting...
Mrs. Kathleen Nevin was 9 or 10 during the war and she shared these memories with me of her childhood in...
On one particular day the siren had sounded so I went to play in my friends shelter in the house opposite,...
One morning Father woke us up and said look out the bedroom window, a supersortress big plane had crashed...
I remember as a 4yr old child being put on a train in London. I had a small label tied to my...
Often at night we could stand on the front lawn at the farm and watch the 'barrage balloons' being...
Jimmy and Lenny begged mum to stay and wanted to just sleep in their bed. Thank God for our Mum, her...
I used to walk up to the Hautes Capelles School, and a certain day came along when I went with my mother,...
I looked up to see the sky filled with bomber planes towing gliders along behind them... Yet another event...
Our family lived in the village of Bunny, in Nottinghamshire. My brother, 2 sisters and I, would often see...