To allay our fears, Aunt Harriet used to chant, in un ison to the bombers, WHERE we gonna drop'em,...
In the early Nineteen Forties when I was 15 was working for my Father in the Family Baker's business,as...
My family have always wondered if the factory at Brough was investigating chemical weapons or something...
When I heard a doodlebug, I used to shout for my mother, who would run out into the garden and pick up...
I remember being evacuated with my school, Stoke Park Girls’ Grammar, to Atherstone. I ended up with...
My Grandmother had to travel from Liverpool to Wrexham to see my Mum. I can remember him showing me a...
I remember my grandfather's uncle, who lived in America, used to sent us food and clothes parcels... I...
I was evacuated when i was twelve years old from my home in Byker to a place in Norththuberland called...
I remember being really scared of the spiders in the shelter, one old lady wouldn't let us kill them. I...
Around that time, for a couple of years my Mum and I organised the local small girls into a concert party....
At a Christmas party at the R.N.A.D. depot at Broughton Moor, footlights arranged for Father Christmas to...
We had dummy airfields near here about 6 miles from Magna Park to try and confuse the Gerri's. We used...
Prior to World War II the small east Cambridgeshire village of Wood Ditton had been a quiet agricultural...
At Christmas time we were lucky to have an orange and apple and a little doll and a few sweets as...
When I was 10 years of age, my sister and i were evacuated to Ebley and we stayed with a friend of...
Iwas standing looking out of my glass cage I was in isolation in the Royal Victoria in Belfast yes I am...
I remember standing on a road above the railway track leading into Cowes Railway Station, looking out over...
My friend Alec and I went to see it, we hid behind the covered way. He served on "The Glorious" an...
One particular memory I have of the war years is when George Fornby came to Blackburn on a visit to boost...
Dried peas, porridge oats, eggs, chocolate, tins of fruit, flour had all shed all over the road. We turned...
One of the few things that I did know in life was that when you went to the beach you took a...
At the outbreak of war I said goodbye to my family in London and was put on a trainand ended up at...