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Nocturnal animals and birds


A report about nocturnal animals and birds and their adaptations. The report shows footage of barn owls, mice, hedgehogs, bats, badgers, moles and worms.

Classroom Ideas

Students could become nature detectives and hold a supervised night-time stakeout to see if they can spot any nocturnal animals. Can they take any pictures to prove it? Students should find a quiet spot out in a field or nearby woodland area and wait quietly for a while. They could use a red flashlight as the animals should find this less disturbing than ordinary light. If no nocturnal animals can be found, students could look for evidence of them such as fresh droppings, footprints or listen for animal calls and see if they can identify them.

Students could go on to brainstorm possible advantages that nocturnal animals have over diurnal animals. How do nocturnal animals compare to diurnal animals in terms of their behavioural and physical characteristics? Do any nocturnal animals share characteristics, even if they are from completely different species? For example, a highly developed sense of smell or hearing?

Living things

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