Two people ahead of me in the queue was a Naval officer about 40 years old... Later I made inquiries and...
Robert was then sent to France and then up through Germany. He later went to Israel and saw the bombing of...
ww2. 3 september 1939 one day we will all never forget as i go to peace now i will tell you of...
My dad was a miner and my mum cleaned and worked at Higham Grange - a miners convalescence home... My...
I worked at Stableford Wood sawmills cutting timber and making charcoal during the war, and all my working...
Andrew Davis, the conductor was born at the same time a few miles away. I was born with a naevus on my...
My mother then had to go on a journey around Cornwall in the blackout until a bed was found!...
Our house was full of people the night I was born as the neighbours had been bombed out so they were all...
He came off the boat because of suspected appendicitis, but they found out it wasn't , he then...
Fran is the Great Great Auntie of Ryan Walters who has typed this story up from notes given to him by Fran....
They didn't want me to be born with an Irish passport so we went back to Liverpool so I could be born...
I was badly burnt face and hands all bandaged up like an Egyptian Mummy and the Matron said she wanted...
There was the pheasant Inn, and a couple of bombs along the railway by Skew Bridge — I remember that...
During the war he lived in Eaton in Yorkshire, when the war started he was 17, and was still at school......
My dad Frank Rowe was stationed at St Anthony Head as a bombardier with the Royal Artillary during the...
Finally we landed in Southampton where my Father's brother was waiting to drive us to Queensborough to...
As soon as the war was over mum and I lived in expectation of Dad appearing every day... Mum was walking...
My name's Robert Burns and I was born in 1934 in Walsall in the West Midlands. We buried the bakers van...
On one such occasion, near the White Rock Weighbridge, during the interlude, the audience was addressed and...
My father Fred was a trained butcher from Salcombe serving as Private 155880, in the Green Howards. He soon...
I thought I was an only child for five years, then my elder sister and brother came home from Yorkshire...
In the early 1940s, the "aliens" as we called them - who were actually the prisoners of war and...