My Dad would go and queue up for the food....
A soldier returning from the war to a street containing about a dozen young children brought home a banana....
When I was 5 years old I had to have my appendix out and the best present I was given while in...
My mother used to go to jumble sales to buy clothes which she later unpicked and re-used the material to...
The green grocer would give me two oranges, which were my allowance for the week; he'd mark my book...
Because my parents and grandparents owned shops we used to work on the barter system ... we would exchange...
When sweets had to be put on ration, I gave all my coupons to my young sister, and when I went to...
My fathe-in -law ,Tom had a real sweet tooth. he used to buy sweet coupons from everyone-he'd give the...
It was my job to go and get the bread ration from the depot, which had to be cut up to last...
There was so much excitement - I was dressed as a fairy in a pink tutu and pink satin ballet pumps. We...
Despite rationing my Grandad says they always had enough to eat, and enough beer for the pub they ran......
My very earliest memory was of the street party to celebrate the victory. I was very small and since...
Spanish Root I remember eating this as a substitute to sweets as we had no coupons in the ration book for...
Everything was on ration and my mother carefully saved the sugar ration to make some toffee to send to my...
Plenty of scarcity of everything, Shops full of empty shelves. Those antique things called Ration books....
My father smuggled a pig over the border with a blanket wrapped round it. Customs asked who it was and we...
My maternal Grandfather worked down the coal mines in the West Midlands during the war....
A suitable way round this shortage was found using liquid parrafin instead of fat for baking cakes etc.,....
In Australia we were not really aware that the war was going on as far as food went. Australia grows a lot...
We supplemented by growing vegetables in the garden. I still remember the excitement of cycling to our...
I lived in Blundeston and during the war I used to drive the Village Bread Van and deliver bread to the...
We only had a wireless radio and often Lord Haw-Haw was on. This is Lord Haw-Haw speaking!...