I joined the WAAFs as I wanted to become a wireless operator air gunner; but unfortunately, they would not...
In the Spitfire 22 with the Griffin engine has terrific torque on it... That was my first flight in a...
I was made welfare officer but my squadron was posted and I was left behind in Malta. After about a year,...
I was in the Navy and I went to America on the Queen Elizabeth and then was transferred onto the USS...
Albans Catholic High School in Ipswich on behalf of Jim and has been added to the site with his permission....
I read with interst the story by Derek Wilkins as I was a pilot teaching Navigation on Kumalo airfield for...
I joined the WAAFs as I wanted to become a wireless operator air gunner; but unfortunately, they would not...
After that I was sent to Burma with 132 RSU where we used to repair damaged aircraft, or had been lost in...
They very often brought servicemen home for Sunday lunch, two of them, in particular, a young Jamacian...
In 1943 an American Fortress, short of fuel and returning from a submarine bombing mission in Brest, landed...
In 1943 I was posted to Canada, initially to Patricia Bay, the Canadian Coastal Command Unit then to Debert...
Heyford K6897.Cross Country Mildenhall to Hendon and Return. Having finished my radio work, climbed into...
The Hampdens were twin-engine bombers, but by about 1942 they becoming obsolete and so were used by Coastal...
I was sent to 158 Squadron in the summer of 1943, the squadron had huge losses when I joined and I was...
We were based at a landing strip - we didn't go to very many airfields - when we were in Malta we...
We later went to RAF Scampton to extend the runway there for the 4-engined Lancaster bombers. The Airborne...
From there I was posted to Morecambe in Lancashire before finally finishing up at Cardington near Bedford....
Reg Bowyer has permission to be absent from his quarters/duty from 12.00 hrs 29.12.39 to 18.15 hrs 5.1.40...
At that stage they brought in a 'Walrus'; they picked up the crew, sank the bomber and then failed...
After 5 years as a POW I was at Reims Airport waiting for Lancaster bombers from a Lincolnshire RAF station...
George was torpedoed but survived in South Africa and later suffered serious injuries from a plane crash at...
I was attending Dartmouth Boys School and during the lunch hour I was walking across the playground when I...