Slis Ughagan Teoclaid
50g cnòthan-challtainn
170g flùr plein
150g ìm fuar air a ghearradh ann an ciùbaichean beaga
100ml uisge

375ml bainne slàn
1 spàlan bhanilla
3 buidheagan uighe
85g siùcar mìn
30g flùr-tiughachaidh
1 spàin-bhùird pùdar còco
Beagan bainne
30g ìm
Còmhdach milis
100g siùcar-pùdair
1 spàin-tì pùdar còco
Teòclaid gheal
Stob na cnòthan-challtainn ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 5 mionaidean aig teas 200C. Bleidich na cnòthan gu pronn. Bidh iad seo a' dol dhan taois aig a cheann thall.
Airson an ughagan cuir am bainne ann am pana. Geàrr an spàlan bhanilla ann an dà leth, sgrìob às na sìol. Cuir an dà chuid spàlan agus sìol dhan phana leis a' bhainne.
Cuir am pana air an stòbh agus teasaich air a shocair fhèin. Chan eil thu ag iarraidh gun goil e gu fiadhaich.
Fhad 's a tha thu a' feitheamh sgar buidheagain bho ghealagain trì uighean. Buail na buidheagain còmhla ris an fhlùr-tiughachaidh agus an t-siùcar mìn. Cuir spàin mhòr chòco a-steach còmhla ris agus spàin mhòr neo dhà de bhainne. Buail gu math.
Nuair a tha am bainne air teasachadh, thoir a-mach an spàlan agus dòirt am bainne a-steach leis na buidheagain. Buail seo uile còmhla gu math agus an uair sin cuir air ais dhan phana e agus air ais air an stòbh. Cuir mun cuairt fad an t-siubhail an ughagan air an teas gus gum bi e tiugh.
Far an teas buail a-steach an t-ìm. Leig leis fuarachadh mus cuir thu dhan fhuaradair e gus am fàs e fuar is buileach tiugh.
Son na taoise, cuir am flùr ann am bobhla mòr. Suath a-steach dìreach caogad grama dhen ìm gus am bi e mìn coltach ri criomagan arain. Sad ann na cnòthan-challtainn bleidte.
Nise, cuir ann an ceud grama de dh’ìm a bha air fhàgail. Suath seo a-steach ach fàg an turas seo bìdeagan mòra ime anns an taois. Chan eil thu ga iarraidh pronn an turas seo. Cuir boinne neo dhà uisge fuar na luib - dìreach gu leòr na bheir gu chèile na bhall e.
Rolaig na taoise ann an cumadh ceart-ceàrnag 8 òirlich a dh’ fhaid. Tog aon trian agus paisg seo a staigh air muin an trian sa mheadhan. An uair sin tog an trian a th’ air fhàgail dhen taois air am muin. Cuir ann am fiolm-còmhdachaidh an taois agus cuir dhan fhuaradair e fad 10 mionaidean.
Thoir a-mach an taois agus rolaig a-mach a-rithist e na cheart-cheàrnag. Dèan an dòigh pasgaidh a-rithist, a’ pasgadh trian air muin trian, dà thuras eile, a fuarachadh na taoise gach turas airson mu dheich mionaidean. Tha e cho cudromach a chumail cho fuar sa ghabhas bho thoiseach gu deireadh.
Às dèidh an treas pasgadh agus fuarachadh tha e deiseil airson a roiligeadh agus a ghearradh ann an dà cheart-ceàrnaig mu ochd òirlich a dh’fhaid 's còig òirlich a leud. Cuir air ais dhan fhuaradair e son 10 mionaidean eile.
Mu dheireadh thall, cuir na taoise dhan àmhainn fad 10-15 mionaidean aig teas 200C ann an àmhainn gaoithe.
Tha an t-àm ann a h-uile sìon a chur ri chèile. Cuir aon phìos taoise air a bhòrd ('s e seo am bonn) agus sgaoil an ughagan air a mhuin feuch a bheil e rèidh. An uair sin cuir am pìos taoise eile air a' mhullach. Brùth sìos gu faiceallach.
Son còmhdach milis luath buail siùcar-pùdair agus làn spàin-tì còco le chèile le beagan uisge gus am fàs iad tiugh agus dòirt seo air mullach na taoise. Leagh beagan teoclaid gheal agus cuir seo air a' mhuin cuideachd and a' dèanamh pàtran san teòclaid le maide chaol.
Son an turas mu dheireadh cuir na taoise air ais dhan fhuaradair son leth uair gu uair a thìde.
Chocolate Custard Slice
50g hazelnuts
170g plain flour
150g unsalted butter, chilled and cut into small cubes
100ml water
375ml full-fat milk
1 vanilla pod
3 free-range egg yolks
30g cornflour
85g caster sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa
A little Milk
30g butter
100g icing sugar
1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
White chocolate, melted
Put the hazelnuts in the oven at 200C fan for 5 minutes then blitz in a food processor until fine.
To make the custard put the milk in a pan. Cut the vanilla pod in half, scrape out the seeds and add both pod and seeds to the milk.
Put the pan on the stove and bring gently to simmering point.
While the milk heats separate 3 eggs. Add the yolks to a bowl with the cornflour and the caster sugar and beat together. Add the cocoa powder and 1 to 2 tablespoons of milk to the mixture before beating thoroughly again.
Once the milk is heated remove the vanilla pod and pour into the egg yolk mixture. Whisk together thoroughly.
Pour the mixture back into the pan and place it back on the stove. Whisk the mixture constantly on a medium heat until it thickens.
Remove from the heat and whisk in the butter. Chill and then place in the fridge to cool completely and set.
To make the ‘rough puff’ pastry put the plain flour in a big mixing bowl. Rub in a third of the unsalted butter (50g) until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Add in the blitzed hazelnuts from earlier. Then roughly rub in the remaining butter (100g), leaving large lumps in the mixture this time.
Add about 100ml of cold water to the mixture, just enough until the pastry binds together to form a ball.
Flour a clean surface and roll the pastry out into a rectangle shape 8 inches long. With the pastry vertically in front of you, fold the bottom third of the pastry up onto the middle third then fold the top third down on top of the other thirds. This is called a turn. Place it in the fridge to cool for 10 minutes.
Roll out again into an oblong and carry out this same folding process two more times. It’s very important to keep the pastry as cold as possible throughout. Once you’ve done this process a total of three times roll the pastry out and cut into two rectangles of 8 inches long by 5 inches wide. Chill once more for 10 minutes.
Bake the pastry in a fan oven for 10 - 15 minutes at 200C. Cool the pastry completely before assembling.
To assemble place one piece of pastry on your work surface and spread the chocolate custard on top. Place the other pastry sheet on top and gently press down.
To make a quick icing whisk together the icing sugar and cocoa powder with a drop of water. This should be thick and glossy. Pour it on top of the pastry sandwich and spread to the corners. Then melt a little white chocolate and pour over to create a patterned effect.
Place everything back in the fridge to set for between 30 minutes to an hour.