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1 panettone

100ml uisge
100g siùcar mìn
Sùgh bho 1 liomaid

60g ìm
80g siùcar mìn
Rùsg bho 1 liomaid
1 ugh
100g àmoin air am bleith
Craiteachan salainn
Dearcan gorm
Bleideagan àmoin

An toiseach dèan an t-siorap. Cuir an t-uisge agus an t-siùcar ann am pana.

Thoir an rùsg bhon an liomaid agus cuir an darna taobh e.

An uair sin thoir an t-sùgh bhon an liomaid agus cuir seo dhan phana leis an t-siùcar agus an t-uisge. Cuir am pana air an teas agus bruich air a shocair gus an leagh a h-uile càil còmhla.

Gèarr na panettone na sliseagan gu math tiugh. An uair sin, a’ cleachdadh gearradair, geàrr a-mach mu ochd cearcallan. Cuir smùgradh den t-siorap bhlàth air gach cearcall.

Son am frangipane a dhèanamh cuir an t-ìm is an t-siùcar ris an rùsg mìn liomaid a bh’ agad na bu traithe. Buail ri chèile le spàin fhiodh. Cuir an t-ugh, na h-àmoin agus craiteachan salainn ris. Buail a h-uile càil ri chèile a-rithist agus cuir spàin mhòr dhe air muin gach cearcall.

Mu dheireadh dèan beagan sgeadachaidh air a Bhostoc agad - beagan dhearcan gorm agus sadagan de bhleideagan àmoin.

Bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 15 mionaidean aig teas 190C.


1 panettone

100ml water
100g caster sugar
Juice of 1 lemon

60g butter
80g caster sugar
Rind of 1 lemon
1 egg
100g ground almonds
A pinch of salt
Flaked almonds

Start by making the syrup. Add the water and the sugar to a pan.

Zest the lemon and put aside.

Juice the lemon and add this to the pan with the water and sugar. Put the pan on the heat. Simmer until the sugar dissolves.

Thickly slice the panettone and then cut out 8 rounds using a cutter. Drizzle some of the warmed syrup onto each disc.

To make the frangipane add the butter to the sugar with the lemon zest. Mix together using a wooden spoon. Add the egg, the ground almonds and a pinch of salt. Mix together again.

Spoon the frangipane on top of the rounds of panettone.

Finally, add the finishing touches to your Bostock - a few blueberries and a sprinkling of flaked almonds.

Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 190C fan.