Buill Thaois le C脿ise Camembert Leaghte
300g flùr làidir geal
1 pacaid beirm (7g)
1 spàin-tì siùcar
1 spàin-tì salann
25g ìm leaghte
Steall ola-chroinn-ola
200ml uisge blàth
50g dearcan ola dubh geàrrte
1 camembert slàn

Tòisich leis an aran. Cuir am flùr, an t-siùcar agus an t-salann ann am bobhla agus measgaich ri chèile. Dòirt ann an t-ìm leaghte, steall mhath ola-chroinn-ola agus cuideachd a mhòr chuid dhen uisge. Faodaidh barrachd uisge a chur ris nas fhaide air adhart ma tha e a dhìth.
Measgaich a h-uile càil còmhla ris na dearcan ola. Cleachd inneal-measgachaidh son an taois chur mun cuairt, ga fuine fad 10 mionaidean, gus am fàs i sùbailte agus lastaig.
Thoir an taois a-mach às a bhobhla, dòirt beagan ola a-steach agus an uair sin cuir an taois air ais ann. Cuir fiolm-còmhdachaidh air a mhuin agus cuir ann an àite blàth e fad uair a thìde neo gus am bi an taois air dùblachadh.
Thoir an camembert a-mach às an fhuaradair agus cuir ann am meadhan treidhe-bèicearachd e. Feumaidh an treidhe lìnigeadh le pàipear-fuine.
Brùth an adhar às an taois agus dèan buill bheaga dhe - a’ cruinneachadh cnap taois ‘s a’ roiligeadh nad bhoisean - gus a bheil e mu mheud balla golf. Cuir na buill ann an dà chearcall mu chuairt air a’ chàise, a’ fàgail beagan rùm eatorra.
Cuir a h-uile càil an darna taobh, fad 30 mionaidean, gus leigeil leotha èirigh beagan a bharrachd.
Geàrr pìosan mòra creamh agus stob sa chaise iad le pìosan ròs-Màiri.
Bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 15 mionaidean aig 200C.
Deiseil son roinn le caraidean.
Doughballs and baked camembert
300g strong white flour
1 packet of yeast (7g)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
25g melted butter
Olive oil
200ml warm water
50g chopped black olives
1 whole camembert
Start with the bread. Mix together the flour, the sugar and the salt in a bowl.
Pour in the butter and a generous glug of olive oil along with the majority of the warm water. You can add more water later on if it needs it. Mix everything together.
Add the olives and give everything a mix before kneading with a mixer for 10 minutes until elastic and smooth.
Take the dough out of the bowl, pour in a little oil and then put the dough back in. Cover with cling film and set in a warm place for 1 hour until the dough has doubled in size.
Take the camembert out of the fridge and put it in the middle of a lined baking tray.
Punch the air out of the dough and roll it into little balls in your palms until you have something the size of a golf ball. Put the balls in 2 circles around your cheese leaving a little room between them. Set aside for about 30 minutes to let them rise once more.
Spike the camembert cheese with slices of garlic and sprigs of rosemary.
Bake everything in a fan oven for 15 minutes at 200C.
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