Aran-goirid 脤m Cn貌tha-talmhainn
Bonn an aran-goirid
200g flùr plein
50g polenta
150g ìm gun salainn
75g siùcar-castoir
75g ìm cnòtha-talmhainn (le cnapan ann)
175g cnòthan-talmhainn saillte, air an ròstadh

175g siùcar bog aotrom donn
60ml siorap
175g ìm gun salann
1 crogan bainne milis
200g teòclaid dhorcha
Teòclaid gheal
An t-aran-goirid fhèin an toiseach. Cuir còmhla am flùr plein, am polenta agus an t-ìm. Suathaich le coraig gus an tig e ri chèile na cnapan beaga. Tha e deiseil nuair a thig e ri chèile na bhall na do làimh.
Cuir ris an t-siùcar agus cuir mun cuairt.
Cuir ris an t-ìm cnòtha-talmhainn agus obraich na taoise le làimh. Na làimhsich cus ged-tà. ‘S e tha dhìth ach gu bheil an t-ìm cnòtha a’ ruith tron taois.
Brùth an taois sìos am broinn tiona 20cm ceàrnagach a th’ air a lìnigeadh. Stampaich le forca air fheadh.
Bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 15 gu 20 mionaid aig teas 160C.
Son a’ charamail cuir an t-siùcar, an t-siorap, an t-ìm agus am bainne milis ann am pana air an stòbh. Cuir mun cuairt gus an leagh a h-uile sìon còmhla.
Àrdaich an teas agus leig leis plubadaich fad 15 mionaidean gus am fàs e tiugh agus gum bi dath math òr air.
Sgaoil na cnòthan saillte thairis air an aran-goirid bruich. Dòirt an caramail air am muin. Leig leis fuarachadh greiseag mus tèid e dhan reothadair a’ fàs cruaidh is fuar buileach.
Leagh an teòclaid dhorcha. Thoir an t-aran-goirid a-mach às an reothadair agus dòirt an teoclaid leaghte air a mhuin. Dèan pàtran air uachdar na teòclaid dhorcha le teòclaid gheal. Leig leis an teòclaid cruadhachadh.
Deiseil agus deònach airson dalladh air ithe!
Peanut Millionaire’s Shortbread
The shortbread
200g plain flour
50g polenta
150g unsalted butter
75g caster sugar
75g crunchy peanut butter
175g peanuts, roasted and salted
175g soft light brown sugar
60ml golden syrup
175g unsalted butter
1 tin condensed milk
The topping
200g dark chocolate
White chocolate
To make the shortbread put the plain flour, the polenta and the butter in a bowl. Rub everything together using your fingers until you have a rough breadcrumb-like mixture. When pressed between your hands it should form a ball
Mix in the caster sugar. Take the peanut butter and roughly mix through the dough without handling it too much. You want a marbled effect with the peanut butter running through the dough.
Press the dough into the base of a 20cm square, lined baking tin. Prick the dough all over with a fork before baking in a fan oven for 15 – 20 minutes at 160C.
For the caramel put the brown sugar, the golden syrup, the butter and the condensed milk in a pan. Heat on low until the sugar has dissolved.
Turn the heat up and keep bubbling and beating well for 10 to 15 minutes until it thickens and turns a golden caramel colour.
Scatter the peanuts over the baked shortbread and pour the caramel on top. Allow to cool a little before putting it in the fridge or freezer to harden.
Melt the dark chocolate. Take the shortbread out and pour the melted dark chocolate on top. Drizzle over some melted white chocolate too to make a pattern. Put the shortbread back in the freezer or fridge to set the chocolate completely
Time to dive in!