Rola Artaig
1 ltr reòiteag bhanilla
100g fuds
15ml espresso fuar (neo grad-chofaidh làidir)

½ tiona caramail
50g siùcair castoir
50g siùcair bog, dorcha donn
3 uighean
75g flùr plein
25g pùdar còco
15ml espresso blàth (neo grad-chofaidh làidir)
Cuir an reòiteag ann am bobhla agus leig leis blàthachadh 5 mionaidean feuch nach bi ei ro chruaidh.
Gèarr am fuds ann am pìosan beaga, ‘s cuir ris an reòiteag e còmhla ris a chofaidh fhuar. Cuir seo mun cuairt gu luath, gus nach leagh an reòiteag!
Sgaoil an reòiteag air pìos pàipear bèicearachd. Dèan cumadh isbean dhe a tha an aon leud ris an oir as giorra dhen treidhe a tha thu a’ cleachdadh airson na spuinnse. Cuir seo dhan reothadair.
Cuir an dà sheòrsa siùcair ann am bobhla còmhla ri na h-uighean. Buail ri chèile mu 5 mionaidean, gus gu bheil iad aotrom, soilleir agus uachdrach. Bu chòir dha bhi dùbailte am meud man àm ‘s a tha thu deiseil a bualadh.
Ann am bobhla eile, cuir am mìn fhlùir tro shìoltachan leis a chòco. Paisg na tha seo an uairsin gu socair a-steach dha na h-uighean.
Mu dheireadh, cuir ann an cofaidh blàth agus cuir mun cuairt.
Dòirt am measgachadh seo a-steach ann an treidhe Swiss roll a tha air a lìnigeadh le paipear bèicearachd. Bruich an àmhainn-gaoithe aig 200C airson 7-8 mionaidean.
Nuair a tha an spuinnse deiseil crath beagan siùcair castoir air tubhailt shoithichean agus tionndaidh na spuinnse a-mach air muin na tubhailt.
Crath tuilleadh siùcair air muin na spuinnse agus roilig suas san tubhailte i, gun a bhith ro theann. Tha e cudromach gun dèan thu seo sa bhad fhad ‘s a tha a chèic fhathast blàth. Cuir an spuinnse an darna taobh gus a bheil e buileach fuar.
Fosgail a-mach na spuinnse agus sgaoil a charamail oirre. Cuir an reòiteag air an oir as giorra den spuinnse agus roilig i air ais suas coltach ri isbean. Cuir dhan reothadair i aon uair eile mu uair a thìde.
Cho spaideil.
Artic Roll
1 litre vanilla ice cream
100g fudge
15ml cold espresso (or strong instant coffee)
½ tin caramel
50g caster sugar
50g dark brown sugar
3 eggs
75g plain flour
25g cocoa powder
15ml warm espresso (or strong instant coffee)
Take the ice cream out of the freezer and put it into a bowl for 5 minutes to soften.
Dice the fudge and add it to the ice cream along with the cold coffee. Mix together quickly so that it doesn’t melt!
Place the mixture onto a piece of baking parchment and shape into a sausage shape about as long as the shortest edge of the Swiss roll tin you are using. Put this into the freezer.
Beat the two types of sugar together with the eggs for 5 minutes in a mixer until they are light, fluffy and doubled in size.
Sift together the flour and cocoa, then fold this gently into the eggs until combined.
Fold in the espresso.
Pour the mixture into a Swiss roll tray, lined with baking parchment.
Place the tray into an oven pre-heated to 200C for 7-8 minutes.
Sprinkle caster sugar over a tea-towel and turn the cake out over it, before sprinkling some more sugar on top.
Roll the cake up in the tea towel and leave to cool. The sponge must still be a little warm when rolled up, or it will break apart.
Once fully cooled, open the sponge back out, and spread the caramel over it. Place the ice cream onto the shortest edge of the cake and carefully roll back up.
Place in the freezer 1 hour.
So sophisticated.