Lofa Bracha
(nì seo dà lofa)

150ml tì theth
100g sultanathan
100g plumbaisean tioram
50g fìogaisean
125g siorap brìgh bracha
4 spàin-bhùird trèicil
100g siùcar bog donn soilleir
2 ugh, air am bualadh
250g flùr plein
1 spàin tì pùdar-bèicearachd
½ spàin tì sòda arain
Dòirt an tì theth ann am bobhla.
Cuir na sultanathan a-steach dhan bhobhla còmhla ris an tì.
Geàrr na plumbaisean tioram agus na fìogaisean ann am pìosan beaga. Cuir na measan tioram seo nis a-staigh leis an tì agus measgaich còmhla.
Cuir am brìgh bracha agus an trèicil dhan bhobhla. Dòirt ann an t-siùcar. Buail còmhla.
Cuir na h-uighean ris a bhobhla leis am flùr, am pùdar-bèicearachd agus an sòda arain. Cuir mun cuairt gu math.
Dòirt seo ann an tiona lofa, air a lìnigeadh agus bruich ann an àmhainn-gaoithe fad 50 mionaidean gu 1 uair aig teas 150C.
Nuair a tha e deiseil, leig le na lofaichean fuarachadh beagan mas toir thu mach às na tionaichean iad.
Teasaich beagan trèicil agus suath seo air mullach gach lofa le bruis. Geàrr beagan ghall-chnòthan agus crath air am muin.
Gleidhidh a chèic seo air leth math. Tha i fiùs a fàs nas fheàrr às dèidh là neo dhà.
Malt Loaf
(makes two loaves)
150ml hot tea
100g sultanas
100g prunes
50g dried figs
125g malt extract
4 tablespoons treacle
100g light brown sugar
2 large eggs, beaten
250g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
Pour the hot tea into a bowl and add the sultanas.
Chop the prunes and the dried figs into small pieces. Add to the tea and mix together.
Pour in the malt extract, the treacle and the sugar and mix.
Add the beaten eggs, the flour, baking powder and the bicarbonate of soda to the bowl. Mix everything together till well-combined.
Pour the mixture into two lined loaf tins and bake in the oven for 50 minutes to an hour at 150C fan.
When done, let the loaves cool a bit before taking them out of the tin.
Heat a little treacle and brush this over the top of the cake. Chop up some walnuts and sprinkle them over the cake.
This cake keeps extremely well and even improves after a day or two.