Today Puzzle #767

Puzzle No. 767– Tuesday 22 June
If global warming has reached 1.1°C, warming at 0.2°C per decade, and every tonne of carbon dioxide we emit drives up global temperatures, permanently, by the same amount as every other tonne, how long do we have to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions to net zero to limit global warming to 1.5°C if we start now and reduce at a constant rate?
Today’s #PuzzleForToday has been sent by Myles Allen from oxford university and one of the organisers of Oxford University’s Net Zero Home School, which is every day this week from 5-630pm, free on
Click here for the answer
40 years
If you’re puzzled by the answer, join the University of Oxford’s Net Zero Home School, 5:00-6:30 this week on

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