Today Puzzle #758

Puzzle No. 758– Wednesday 10 June 2020
Motorized transport globally gives rise to about 7 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. Of these emissions, 80% are associated with the travel habits of only one tenth of the world's population. It has evened up a bit during lockdown. Going forwards, if we the 10% all travel in line with everyone else, what global CO2 saving would be achieved?
Today’s #PuzzleForToday has been set by Dr Shaun Fitzgerald, Fellow of Girton College
Click here for the answer
90% of the world population only contribute 20% x 7 billion tonnes CO2 per year from travel = 1.4 billion tonnes CO2 per year. If all of the world population contributed the same as this on a per capita basis then transport would account annually for (100/90) x 1.4 billion tonnes CO2 per year = 1.6 billion tonnes CO2 per year. This is a reduction of 5.4 billion tonnes CO2 per year, i.e. a 78% reduction.

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