Today Puzzle #784

Puzzle No. 784– Thursday 16 July
Today is the first ever Reading Together Day, co-ordinated by The Reading Agency with several collaborator organisations, to help the nation celebrate reading. You set yourself the task of reading the 2020 CILIP Carnegie Medal winning book Lark by Anthony McGowan. There are 100 pages with an average of 300 words per page. You read 200 words a minute starting at 9am. Assume you have a 5 minute biscuit break after every 30 minutes of reading, what time will you finish the book?
Today’s #PuzzleForToday has been set by Bobby Seagull in his capacity as UK Library Champion following previous incumbents Mary Beard and Stephen Fry.
Click here for the answer
300 words x 100 pages = 30,000 words
30,000 words / 200 words per minute = 150 minutes
9.00 - 9.30am: First 30 minutes of reading
9.30 - 9.35am: Biscuit break 1
9.35 - 10.05am: Reading minutes 30-60
10.05 - 10.10am: Biscuit break 2
10.10 - 10.40am: Reading minutes 60 - 90
10.40 - 10.45am: Biscuit break 3
10.45 - 11.15am Reading minutes 90 - 120
11.15 - 11.20am Biscuit break 4
11.20 - 11.50am Reading minutes 120-150

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