House update, Phase 3 on HOLD
Posted: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 |
Very nice. Love the sculptures around the door
Alpinia from Cloud Eight and half
Good luck with windows and doors. Are you having your roof re-done? What is it made of? It looks quite attractive with its diamond-shaped tiles or slates.
Jill from EK
The old windows look fine to me, and have character. Of course, they are neither as efficient nor as sleek looking at the modern double pane glass windows. If Fred has anything to do with it, it's modernity double quick, it seems. Thanks for keeping up posted, Fred. When are we going to have pictures of your dogs/cats?
mjc from NM,USA
Good job you showed us a picture of your new front door, i would never have been able to find you looking for a blue one!! LOL I'm going away next week, on the only kind of holiday you get once you move up here- visiting family! lol, so i will definately come and visit you when i get back. Keep up the good work.
tanith from point
Tanith, have a well deserved break and look forward to meeting you very soon.....MJC I will sent you a pic of my Cat (Noodles) and Dog (Harris) soon, your right I tried to keep the design the same but the other old fittings would not open and almost feel out with rot? Jill....Yes I would like to keep the roof in the same design but alas cannot get this design.....thay are slate tiles too, but I will be replacing back to slate tiles but in a conventional way.
Fred from Point
Harris? and you live in Lewis?! Good grief, Fred!! Is that GPS in the Lamborghini not working? # Noodles: appropriate name for a cat (must be, I am sure), right? Somewhat evocative. Our black lab's name is Thora: blame the wife, not me. I was all for Magnus, or Hardrada or some such (forget the mediterranean wimps such as Priam, Achilles, Hector etc). In the old days you could call a lab "Blackie" but, however descriptive, it is no longer in good taste. I wonder whether it is politically correct to call a dog "Yeller" or Old Yeller? Probably is.
mjc from NM,USA
I assume you did research re: hydroshower. How do you like the model so far? Could you give exact name, brand, model number etc. I might want to look for one in the States (renovation of cottage).
mjc from NM,USA
Noodles - appropriate name for a cat, eh? *gurrrr*
Flying Cat from a hard stare
MJC......I got it from an out of town DIY place sounds like BBQ I think it was called Ibiza range, but they have them on the website too.....hope this helps?
Fred from Point
No, it does NOT, Fred. I checked Ibiza range, and it got me cars, whereas BBQ of course got me links to barbecue grills. You have to do better than that if I am to find a hydroshower like yours. Of course, I could come over and remove yours ... (I would leave my card). Thanks, Fred, for getting to the Point (next time).
mjc from NM
Isn't the term 'hydroshower' tautological? What else would you want coming out of a shower other than water...
Flying Cat from plumbing the depths
bridal shower? confetti shower? when the sh*t hits the fan shower? and of course that famous English invention, the rain shower?
mjc from NM,USA
A bridal shower conjures up a bloodfest of Psycho-tic proportions!
Flying Cat from should be stitching&sewing