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16 October 2014

Fred Blog - September 2008

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Working progress

Well in between the good and bad weather we managed to remove the rocks and dig the trench down to the hard luckly it was only down about 2 foot, 60cm.

Today we managed to get the foundations in over 2 days, but were over whelmed with midges, could not see a thing.....who designs these masks anyway to keep them at bay?? Cos im sure they got in.

Went to the building supplied this morning and bought the D.P.C (damp proof course) wall ties so we are ready to erect the walls.

Hopefully this should go up pretty quick pending weather and work schedule which is pretty busy at the moment.

Holly had her 8th Birthday party last Saturday which was great a full house, or so to speak....Full school class, it was a fantastic day for her.

Well I must press on as I have to now move the concrete blocks by hand to get the other 300 delivered.

See you Soon.....Fred
Posted on Fred Blog at 16:32

Arms like a Gorilla !

Well, I have moved the concrete blocks, to the extension location ready for laying...hopefully start Friday everything is in place ready cement mixer, sand, and febmix, ties, DPC these no stopping us now. OH the weather might lol.

I forgot to add a little picture of Holly and her favorite Drake (Sir Quack Alot) these two have really bonded, and when he see's Holly he jumps up at her lap for a cuddle. What a life for the kids.

OK that's it for now, I will update you end of next week re the progress.

Bye for now
Posted on Fred Blog at 15:30

Visitors !!!!

Hi I.Bers.

We had visitors from London our 1st in 15 months which I have not seen in 17 years.

The weather was pretty kind to us to while we took them on the visits around the Isle we had a great time and it all went to quickly as they flew back today.

Holly had a great time being fussed over and we all enjoyed our meal in one of the town centre restaurants.

As to the extension, well I better get cracking on that now otherwise it will never go up......im not slacking promise the weathers against me?
Posted on Fred Blog at 15:29

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