One week OLD
Posted: Sunday, 08 June 2008 |
Well, Fred, if I were a duck I'd be on my way to your house, that arrangement looks like Duck Paradise to me! BTW, what do they eat? Good photo of Holly, hope her social life doesn't get out of hand :-)
Jill from EK
Good to see Holly (and parents) settling in well. Do you ever sit down and relax, Fred? Or would THAT be too much work for you?! What kind of ducks are they?
mjc from NM,USA
That's five-star accomodation you have for them there Fred. Is there a name for the palatial duckling abode? Nice photo of Holly too, hope the birthday party was good.
Carol from IBHQ
It's good to see your daughter getting on so well Fred. It can be hard on the kids, leaving all their friends, and trying to make new friends. Keep on keeping on Fred..........
Tws from The Croft Lewis.
Hi Jill, it sure is Duck paradise here XX Holly
Holly from By Duck Pond
Hi Jill hope your well, yes it has not turned out to bad as the duck are pets, and the chickens are out the back working breed, they are eating chic crumb at the mo, but we let them have a little splash in the pond and they like chasing the bugs lol, Hi MJC they are East Indian Blacks, nice small breen we look at Aylesbury's they were to big like a mini geese? Carol Yes Holly had a great time at the Party thank you, Holly has named the ducklings are you ready for this......Peking, Crispy, Sir quack alot? dont ask lol....Hey TWS hope you well, yes they are doing great remember it will be a year here on the 20th June can believe the timew has flown, we must catch up again over coffee.
Fred from Point
Duck Hotel Ritz! And a handy wee landing stage for a creative cat to lurk on, paws'n'claws outstretched.
Flying Cat from Kenducky Fried Pickins
my piggies loved being out in their new run (before the weather went back to normal) Thanks Fred (as well as for everything else :-) )
tanith from point
food for thought!
5 cat gang from hiding from yet another b****y thunderstorm!
Ooooohhh, What is Tanith thanking Fred for? The bit "(as well as everything else :-) ) " It kinda gets the mind wondering what is going on in Point? Are car keys involved in this at all I wonder? Hmmm, waiting & wondering.........
Tws from Cryptic Cottages
Tsk! Wash your brain out Tws!
Flying Cat from carbolic cottage
Thanks Tanith your more than welcome, TWS you will have to ask Tanith, as I could not possibly comment! But I can tell you no car keys involved.
Fred from Point
TWS!!! wash your brain out with soap!! LOL sorry Fred, i'll rephrase it.....thanks for building me the piggy cage and for everything you have done for my whole family (with no cryptic brackets to hold TWS's wandering mind in) (if thats possible) lol :-)
tanith from maybe i shouldn't have used brackets!! LOL
Well Fred, i could comment about how you've been in and out of my shower on many occasions, filled up my new bath, jiggled about my kitchen and how i've paid for your services with a smile but it would just get TWS all excited LOL :-)
tanith from point
It'll take more than a few brackets...
Flying Cat from agreeing with tanith
It has to do with sharing Hob-Nobs, I think. That's the way Tws's mind works...
Jill from EK
LOL,,, TWS see what you have done you will ruin my reputation, Its recommendation I NEED. Tanith, thanks for putting tws right and again you more than welcome I have enjoyed working for you and the family.
Fred from Point
wonderful ducklings fred ... don;t you love the way their tails look like they're made out of lace, at that age ... they look a little like muscovy ducklings, or perhaps I'm just biased ... :-) little darlings - be sure and help them to dig up plenty of worms now ... :-)
soaplady from ooooh ooooh ooooh ducklings ,.,.,.!
Oh my. Who remembers the infamous shower storyline in Dullas, when Babby went in as one actor (how soon we forget) and came out as can say that's not keeping it clean...
Flying Cat from tra LA la, tra LEE la la la, tra LA la LA la la la
FC, I hate to correct you but your recollections of wonderful Dallas are alas mistaken: several of the cast underwent transformations, but in Bobby's case he was killed in a car explosion, and he stepped out of the shower at the beginning of the new series, the idea being that the explosion and all its consequences (and the entire previous season) had been but a dream... It was at this point that I stopped watching Dallas. It had "jumped the shark".
Jill from EK
Soaplady, i'm affraid these little duckling are now losing there lacy tails long shoots are showing, I have never been so amazed in the growth speed, its unbelievable. FC its like Dallas here with out Palm trees lol....sometimes.
Fred from Point
Dallas in Lewis, Fred? You astonish me.
mjc from NM,USA
Lewis is very like Dallas...simply chock-a-block with grassy knolls...LHO would have been spoiled for choice...
Flying Cat from I love a good conspiracy theory
Dallas ?? its More Like Mad Max with Wellies
Mrs Fred from Freds House
MJC... More so this week a Donald Trump came in for a flying visit....Bot sure if his from Dallas though.
Fred from Point
Was that a dead red squirrel on his head?
Flying Cat from cutting a rug
FC....Is it a Syrup of Figs (Wig), or just an art to get it that way? Red squirrel who be alot better
Fred from Point
Should be a sight if or whenever he blows his top.
mjc from NM,USA
I thought he was trying to blend in with the famous sand dunes by wearing dry grass on his head...
Jill from EK
I expect he has a minion to pat it back into place.
Flying Cat from know your minions
Minion, FC? An amanuensis, surely?
mjc from NM,USA
Is it a secretarial thing to refit wiggery?
Flying Cat from puzzled&confused
Alright Fred, you have my permission to put another post. This one is more than a week old.
mjc from NM,USA
Thanks mjc, I was just thinking that myself, I'm just making something for my pond and its nearly ready, so there could be a masterclass coming on.
Fred from Building a suprise!!!
Is it wan o' they Japanesey bridges like in Monet's Garden??? If it is I'm shocked that it's taking a whole week to build! Tsk.
Flying Cat from Willow Pattern Plate
Fred, I was thinking that a miniature oil rig in that pond would be just the thing.
mjc from NM,USA