Working progress
Posted: Wednesday, 03 September 2008 |
Hi Fred old boy, what is it you are building? Oh, and what is the bush/tree with those red flowers dangling like Japanese lanterns in Lewis? # A belated Happy Birthday, Holly. May be you be as careful and speedy with your homework as your Dad is with his projects.
mjc from IN, USA
Being in a lazy mood and not looking back through all your blogs, would you tell me what you're building?
Lonely In Lewis from Lewis
Looks good! Have fun moving 100s of concrete blocks--too bad you didn't think to have the 8 year old party-goers do it for you! How are the ducks?
thelovelyOutlander from admiring your work
Ooh that man! He's at it again. Good to hear that your business is picking up too. Congrats to Holly - big girl now!
Barney from Swithiod fan club
Fred. What can one say? You are a miracle worker. Can't wait to see the finished project! You seem to be busy work-wise, too, so that's just great. And Holly really seems to have settled in. Wonderful stuff, Fred, all the best to you all.
Jill from EK
mjc, you must have better eyesight or a sharper picture than I do if you can see the red flowers so clearly. I suspect they are fuchsias. I always think they look like dangly earrings.
Jill from EK
You're keeping busy then Fred, well maybe some inside work will come your way in the winter ( if Herself can make up her mind?) Cheery...
Tws from The Croft, Lewis
I'm glad you asked, Lonely, because I didn't like to do it and look stupid, but now I too would like to know...WHAT is it you are working on Mr Fred?
Flying Cat from in the queue
is it going to a patio made with concrete slabs,with stone walls aroun it to protect from the winds??
carol from joining the queue
Wow, 9 comments already, ok here we go MJC yes they are Fuchsias Jill was right good eye sight you 2, T.L.Outlander...dam I did not think of that one past the parcel concrete block lol. Thanks Barney yes they grow so quickly........OK everyone I forgot to tell you it's another bedroom I'm building in the location were the conservatory was. We have moved the conservatory so this new room will be for Chris (our Boy) who 15 now. TWS I'll be here when your ready, I am alittlr bust at present, but always have time You for and Yours. Thanks for all you wishes to Holly too I think your right Jill, we feel right at home here, and Holly & Chris are doing great with thier new friends
Fred from Point
hello Fred sorry I didn't call in when I was in Point last week, good work as usual, do my old grey cells vaguely remember you saying something about extending the kitchen, mjc I think the red things on the tree are Rowan berries on the Rowan tree the island is full of them at the moment....well in so far as an almost treeless island can be,
island threads from ness
Oh of course. One should have remembered. Its only going to be another'll have it done in a week or two, work permitting!
Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin
Hi I.T give as a visit next time your here, I think in the early days with the ruin we were going to put the kitchen into one of those rooms...But it would mean walking through a bedroom which is not practical. So the kitchen went in, Chris's room will come off the existing kitchen, great fun for him and his mates cos he will raide the fridge now lol. FC, it may take alittle longer as I'm funding it as I work. As the weather is nice ??? maybe start next week
Fred from Point
Well Flying Cat, Do you always let other people do your dirty work for you? Do i always have to be the one that looks stupid? Ah well, its a role i'm well suited for...That and courting controvesy...On the subject of courting...
LonelyInLewis from Lewis