"Cat on a hot tin roof"
Posted: Saturday, 10 May 2008 |
Hi I.B ers hope you all enjoying this fantastic weather and getting you gardens in order.
Its nice to see the lambing season on the move I thought I would take a picture of the little cheeky fellows which Holly enjoys watching.
On the job front it is working really well and have nice customers, its so nice to work the hours that suit me, to get other works done on my property, the next job on the house is to lay a new 2 car off street parking area....so this weekend we will strip back the grass dig up and drop in the hardcore, then lay the cement.
Well weather permitting....Oh the veg in the poly tunnel is doing great, Beetroot is now showing, Radishes, Lettice, Tomatoes....No peppers yet? then I have now planted the courgettes, Broccoli, Spinach, then to follow Cabbage, Corn, and Tatties.
Its nice to see the lambing season on the move I thought I would take a picture of the little cheeky fellows which Holly enjoys watching.

On the job front it is working really well and have nice customers, its so nice to work the hours that suit me, to get other works done on my property, the next job on the house is to lay a new 2 car off street parking area....so this weekend we will strip back the grass dig up and drop in the hardcore, then lay the cement.
Well weather permitting....Oh the veg in the poly tunnel is doing great, Beetroot is now showing, Radishes, Lettice, Tomatoes....No peppers yet? then I have now planted the courgettes, Broccoli, Spinach, then to follow Cabbage, Corn, and Tatties.
Posted on Fred Blog at 10:14
Up date on What's going on!!
Posted: Saturday, 31 May 2008 |
Hi I.Bers....hope you enjoying the loverly weather, as to my last comments I though I would give you some updates, we have increased the Orpington chickens by 2 more hens so the eggs are coming through very nicely, also we have added some new addition's to the family (Black East Indians Ducks only 3 days old (MJC would like that one) and the veggies and Salad are doing great in the poly. 

Bath Time !!!
So we are still keeping busy at the moment and the Jobs going well too, See you soon

So we are still keeping busy at the moment and the Jobs going well too, See you soon
Posted on Fred Blog at 16:34