Fantastic Sun Set
Posted: Monday, 02 June 2008 |
Well at 10:30pm as I was putting the Chickens to bed, I had to take a shot of this from the back of my house.

Posted on Fred Blog at 09:20
One week OLD
Posted: Sunday, 08 June 2008 |
Well the ducklings are doing great for just over a week old they have kept me very busy indeed, thier home is now inplace, I made the little pontoon for them, and I eventually made the front gate so they don't just walk into the road.

Oh and Holly wanted to be in the picture too, she has just returned home from her 1st invite to a birthday party so she is doing well socialising.
Posted on Fred Blog at 12:35
Busy weekend!
Posted: Monday, 23 June 2008 |
Well the weathers has not been great last week and I have been off with a stinking cold (NOT Man Flu thought)
So I thought I would make a little addition to the Garden, so on Friday I took myself off the woodshop as I was feeling a little better.

This thing weights a ton and is 1.2 mtrs high (4') for the unconverted, it now has a centre spike in the centre filled with Ballast so it should (fingers cross) with stand our weather. I think the Ducks will like it though?
I did promise Sarah, noT to build a model Village LOL
See you soon ....Fred
Posted on Fred Blog at 09:30