Finished? The lounge that is
Posted: Tuesday, 31 July 2007 | it is the finished product looks a little better than the origional, I just have to add a sealer to the oak floor.
Im just in the process of fitting the flooring to the shower room and re boxing in the window returns after fitting so once this is complete..........Sarah will get her new kitchen.
I think we would have to do a trip to the mainland to order the units up....but of coarse I will keep you posted
The other pictures are for Flying Cat?
Im just in the process of fitting the flooring to the shower room and re boxing in the window returns after fitting so once this is complete..........Sarah will get her new kitchen.
I think we would have to do a trip to the mainland to order the units up....but of coarse I will keep you posted

The other pictures are for Flying Cat?

Posted on Fred Blog at 10:24
Wow, what a transformation - it looks fantastic. I love the colour of the walls, and the floor is lovely.
Rachel from Blackburn
hubby and i renovated our last house--this one we built it ourself--three years on its still not quite finished--i'm getting rather cheesed of with it actuelly. well done it getting so much done in such a short time! (when your finished you can come and finish up over here if you want)
carol from hanging her head in shame
What's civilization coming to? Not a spittoon in sight. That's what happens when the Ming dynasty disappears ...
mjc from NM,USA
Lovely, just, so it is. A beautiful and sympathetic renovation. Any chance of having a closer-up pic of the box-framed picture R of pic 2, L of pic 3?
Flying Cat from art&artists monthly
Fred, box on the window sill: is that where you keep you valuables? Just asking. Efficiency and all that ... # Wood in the bucket by chimney: my wild guess is that it won't last you the winter. Time to join the local peat harvesting club, Fredmeboy. # Whatever happened to the dust, Fred? Not a speck in sight.
mjc from NM,USA
Thank you once again for your kind comments...FC I have attached some more pics of the boxes on the wall that I used to make as a hobby, including victorian dollhouses when I finish this renovation I may have time to go back to it?....who knows
Fred from Point
AHA!!!!!!!! (looks smug as only cat can do)
Flying Cat from vindicatit