It's like Challenge "Anneka"
Posted: Monday, 17 December 2007 |
Fred you have a brill christmas and a well deserved rest love to the tribe and good luck in the new year, miss you loads your friend Lou
Lou from Middle of the road
Your kitchen looks brilliant, Fred, it must be a nice change for Sarah to have a whole cooker to work with! It's a shame that even you are subject to the whims of the weather for your tile deliveries. And what a great picture of the front of your house in the sun. A real achievement!
Jill from EK
I can't believe those eyes of mine, Fred! You deserve humdinger meals for Christmas and New Year. May I suggest chop suey for the first and chicken tikki whatever for the second? # yes, you deserve a break, but two weeks?!! You'll be a nervous wreck by the end of those two weeks. Do yourself a favor Fred: two days only!!
mjc from NM,USA
Is that the same house Fred? Well a good job there Freddie Boy. I hope you get the house ready soon Fred. Then you can start all over again. Cheery...
Tws from Chirpy, Chirpy Cheap, Cheap.
I wish you'd stop publishing pictures of someone here's Ideal Kitchen Fred. You've no idea the moaning this kitty has to put up with. And this the Season of Goodwill too...*sigh* Your friend Lou must have a deathwish. Please tell him to move out of the way of the traffic before its too late!
Flying Cat from krumbly kitchen
Lou is in the middle of the road because he is trying to get a taxi. He does not care which direction the taxi goes, so long as one stops. It's cold and wet out there (wherever there is, Lou).
mjc from NM,USA
one word of advice;;;;rest for a few days otherwise beware of health problems that you don't even think off!
carol from nz
He's a fit man Carol. And so far, hasn't got around to building the (empty) swimming pool into which to fall!
Flying Cat from NO fpu, you CAN'T have a new kitchen!
Thanks Jill and Tws its looking like home now, mjc dont worry I have just paid for my guttering to be delivered so I can now keep busy throughout Xmas lol......fc I can always put a new kitchen in for you too when my work is finished lol. Thanks for your concerns Carol, I will rest a little problem is my mind keep working to fast and I will get bored.......Lou you have a great time too at Xmas love to the family we will be thinking of you.
Fred from Time is slipping
Fred, I'm amazed at how fast you were able to remodel this house, and turn it into a home. I have followed your blog as you've turned this from a camping expedition into a warm house. Cheers to you, and your family this season.
CVBruce from CA, USA
Well Fred I take my hat off to you and Sarah and wish you and your lovely family a Super Yuletide ..thanks for the xmas card xx
Barebraes from Shapinsay
Wow, I'm just loving your house, and all the hard work that you and your family have put into it. The Kitchen, brilliant, the roof, fantastic. What a transformation. If I could award an Island Blogging New Years Honour for building, it would be you. Amazing. Well done, Enjoy and best wishes for Christmas.
Squidgy the Otter from 60 year makeover (it would take me)
Thanks for the card, Fred and family. Now you *must* sit back for a little rest, no tiling, no guttering, maybe make one of your nice pictures? All the best to you all.
Jill from EK
... and Fred has time for Christmas cards!! # Fred, as soon as the house is finished (any time now), you really should consider running for office, become a local Toiseach, shake things up.
mjc from NM,USA
hey fred and sarah, not had time to read blogs much just lately, your kitchen looks great. Been meaning to pop up and give you your christmas card for the last week now but had no opportunity yet, time flies so fast.... i found your addy yesterday so i will just have to put it in the post lol Glad the roofing is all done and the path looks great. Happy holidays :-) xxx
tanith from point
CVBruce thank you for following our blog's and very best wishes to you and your family...Barebraes you have a great time to this yuletide. Gee thanks Squidgy it is looking alittle different now, but still enjoying it. Jill, thanks for your card to....(quess what?) I finished the tiling they came in on Tuesday this week so I'll take a picture of that, have not got time to grout them yet! Hey mjc.....I am looking for work now running for office sounds great? Hi Tanith hope you and the family are on the mend now, yes time has slipped very quickly, you have a great Xmas and hopefully see you next year
fred from Point