I got told off!
Posted: Saturday, 26 April 2008 |
Quite right, Holly. Those very fit-looking hens deserve a photo, and as for the eggs... how yummy are they?
Jill from EK
mmmm nice looking eggs, i think i will have to get some chickens soon. Next doors are always in my garden and i get nothing out of it so maybe it's time i my own egg supply.
tanith from point
Jill, my Dad's typing this for me, we make nice cakes on Sunday with these eggs which I do with Mummy. Tanith......go for it, well worth the wait, I love collecting the eggs everyday and giving them grain, by 2 chickens are called Henrietta and Fluffy bye Holly
HOLLY from Point
Comparing teh size of the super smootho eggs with the carpet pattern i get the impression that these are at least Dodo size. How old is Holly? She is obviously very savvy.
Barney from Swithiod unbelieving
Barney.....I know what it looks like but, Holly put the eggs on my desk the rug is a MOUSE MAT. But it does look live a wooden floor and rug...did make me laugh.....Holly is 7 years old
Fred from Point
Nice looking eggs indeed. Grade AA. Great shape and color. Bet the cakes taste good, Holly. Surely you don't make so many cakes that you need all the week's eggs? Soft boiled fresh brown eggs: that's a treat!!
mjc from NM,USA
LOL, Fred and Holly.
Jill from EK
Mouse mat, eh? Some mouse! Reminds me of late lamented Annie B's Last Post. All stand, hats off, ta-tata, ta-tata, ta-ta-ta-taaaaaaaaaa.
Barney from Swithiod KO'ed
mjc....We also have nice scrambled eggs, poached eggs, and Omlettes loverly colour too, OH and we now have the Lettice, Peppers, Spring Onions, Beetroot, Tomatoes in planting in the poly tunnel
Fred from Point
by the way! WHERE IS ANNIE B???
carol from where its pelting doon
With eggs that size we now know the answer to the perennial question...which came first?
Flying Cat from eggshausted but catching up