Albright and Wilsons was situated on the banks of the river Mersey and bombers got quite close to Liverpool...
I lived in Belfast for most of my life but we moved to a cottage at Cloughy on the coast of County...
Barrage balloons They kept the aircraft too high to find their aim and that was how he'd come down...
My brother Ernie stayed in bed in the upstairs bedroom and refused to take shelter... My brother then got...
I remember during the war that our garden was dug up to grow vegetables. We lived in North Staffordshire,...
Soon we moved to Bristol which was also badly bombed, so the family moved to Plymouth... When Charles...
Before we got a table shelter we used to go in the cupboard under the stairs which was used as a larder,...
My lasting Memory of World War II is…in December 1940 aged 5, walking in the night to the sound of...
My father was a fireman in Hull in the blitz and the family lived in a small terrace house provided by the...
John and I were on fire-watch duty one night, in an office near Albert Gate, when we heard the sound of an...
We were buried under the rubble until the Air-Wardens came round to dig us out. My Brother heard the bomb...
On Saturday nights my friend and I went dancing at the Trades and Labour Club on Beverley Road, Hull. One...
Father had refused a shelter, because we didn't have a garden for an Anderson shelter, and the table...
My father did shift work on the trams, there was a bombing and the trams had to stop because the flash off...
I was off duty, and on the fourth floor of the nurses' home, which was on a hill, so it was easy...
So I went to go into British Home Stores, picked up a pair of slippers, and was wandering around looking...
I can remember planes going over on their way to bomb the steel works around Liverpool. There were unmade...
Having left Lurgan College, I was working for an engineering firm in Belfast which was based along the...
bombing of the cinema in east grinstead,west sussex...
Stuart and Lloyds, Corby, Northants put up a ‘smokescreen’ which as intended to cover the...
When the sirens sounded the air raid, we used to be rushed in our siren suits, to my Aunties home nearby,...