Rules - New Bloggers
Posted: Wednesday, 28 April 2004 |
This site seems to grind to a halt for some reason. Some times it appears not to be updated for long periods. How many days are you paid for Blog Blog?
pondhead from mull
Hi Pondhead, we're going to try and change shifts to offer moderation over the weekends and improve things for you, and we did have some problems last week, but we should be updated twice a day other than that.
Blog Blog from Glasgow
Good news then. Any news about how long the project will be going on for ....or are we getting the axe soon?
pondhead from MULL
Hi Blog Blog Re the site being updated.
You moderate the entry's to the web nothing happens until you put the entry's up. It must be possible to find out how many updates you are paid to do and on which days of the week? Another way is for you to tell us which days of the week you do not do updates on? This project seems to be stalling because its so slow ...days go by without anything going on, which does the site no favours in terms of being I allowed to use a word like dynamic? If you said on the entry page - this site is updated on Monday Wednesday and Friday ...that would be better than what we have at the moment.
pondhead awakes from his slumber at last on Mull