Egg Blog
Posted: Wednesday, 23 March 2005 |
Easter is round the corner and here is a call for all bloggers out there to contribute to a special Easter Gallery.
We're looking for the best images of Easter Eggs and Egg Races, signs of Spring or other festive or eastery images posted to your own blogs over the holiday weekend.
We'll put these all in a special gallery and the winners will get an appropriately chocolatey prize...sent out on Tuesday.
Extra points will be given to submissions showing artistic creativity, kids stuff, lambs (and general cuteness), as well as signs that the long winter may be near an end...

Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 10:19
Excellent idea - however, cats do not eat chocolates. They contain demon toxins (theobromine) that cause dogs and cats to die. Us cats, however, being far more intelegent than dogs, rarely eat the stuff.. we can tell.
I shall try and post my effort all the same.
Ming the merciless from Coll
Tomorrow morning is the deadline, at the moment Carnan Road Express (Coll) is the runaway winner.
Mike from HQ
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