Bathing in baked beans this Friday?
Posted: Tuesday, 14 November 2006 |
He stole my body, last year he stole my break dancing, what's he gonna do next year?
thewhitesettler from the croft lewis
I can do a good deal on short dated beans if you're interested
alanjohn from emporio alanjohn lionel lewis
I so don't want to know what our Tel may steal from ws next year as I am fearing the worst already. Surely there's enough natural wind over Lewis without resorting to short, dated beans.
Flying Cat from Canelloni Balony
Heavens, Anne, I am not sure I want to know how Terry Wogan (or Lex Parker, Johnny Weissmuller, or Arnold the Exterminator) got their amazing six-packs. # I have got it. Dods from Ness sends him a yearly supply of select Guga (thereby explaining the scarcity of that commodity, resulting in angry queues and quasi-monopolistic prices!).
mjc from NM,USA
I was so busy looking at the body and thinking about the baked beans, I never even noticed it was our Terry...
scallowawife from shetland