Back to normal...
Posted: Monday, 04 December 2006 |
1 comment |
Apologies for the problems which have been dogging Island Blogging over the last few days. It was as frustrating for us as it was for you I assure you!
The problems have been fixed and everything seems to be back to normal. All posts and comments submitted since late last Wednesday night should now be visible. If one of your entries hasn鈥檛 made it on to the site please email me at to let me know and I'll investigate.
Thanks for your patience!
Posted on I.B.H.Q. at 14:00
Back to normal? I've been doing some catching-up, and I can assure you IBHQ that what goes on here is not normal, harmless maybe, but normal NO!!!!!
thewhitesettler from in front of the PC of course
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