Delays this evening
Posted: Thursday, 15 March 2007 |
I got to wondering whether the 2 chevaux speed was meant (somehow) to conserve energy. Glad to hear the slo-mo was an aberration.
mjc from NM
Did the Cicero (the blogger with the Latin moniker) from Northern Isles disappear/pull the plug from under him/herself? Or do I need new glasses (again)?
mjc from NM,USA
You need new glasses.
FC from initially yours
I'm sure I do Fraidy Cat, but I STILL can't find it. Went over the islands (all over the place) several times AGAIN: no physical trace, not even a whiff, of Cicero. I suspect IBHQ does not have a version of Island Blogging for Americans. Cicero cannot be found under Eday either: that's where that blog originated, I thought. Maybe it disappeared on the Ides of March?
mjc from NM,USA
By george mjc, you are correct indeed. Last I looked, it had changed from whatever it was to its initials and now it's gone. Maybe it has surfaced under a new guise? I never trusted that Ida March, a flighty piece!
Flying Cat from in gumshoes