Missing comments? (again)
Posted: Tuesday, 22 May 2007 |
There are several bags of messages marked Island Blogging cyber postings and a sackful of internet brackets marked 'for TWS' under Donald's bed. I believe he's been hacking in to your site - the little tinker. I'll put them in tonight's post for you.
calumannabel from Hacklete
Hello Anne. I'm a bit suprised that tws hasn't commented on the idea of posting comments to a blog about missing comments. How will you know if you've received the comments about the missing comments or if they've gone missing too? I ask this because this blog says that it has 1 comment, but there's no comment there when you click on it. If this comment arrives and appears then it might no longer be relevant. Eek! I'll soon be using brackets and sending cheeies, byes and see-you-laters for adoption....
Annie B from under tws's influence?
Anne, indicator for this posting indicates 1 comment. I clicked on it to see who made a snarky/snarling comment, but ... zilch, no comment at all. Rather ironic, is it not? Lost again.
mjc from NM,USA
I'm not sure why Calum's comment took so long to reach us - just glad it finally made it! ;-)
Anne from IBHQ
Today (Sunday) there are no blogs anywhere. No blogs in Fetlar, Unst or even the Western Isles. Is there a problem or is my computer bust? Has the blog computer got stuck in a traffic jam on the M6?
Muness from Fetlar