The following account was written by Godfrey Pegg and added to the archive by staff at the St. John's...
Hello everyone, I'm trying to find out if anyone knows of anyone who served with my partners...
On the way to Dunkirk the lorry had an accident, we lost many of our weapons. When we arrived at Dunkirk we...
These memories were given by Fred to one of the Rushey Mead School students. I interviewed Fred who is a...
The only man to kick the backside of his Company Sgt. Major and be thanked. On return to base, my Sgt....
We were in a troopship at Princes Dock, Glasgow, in late October 1942... A year later we were in Italy and...
The day the 1st World War ended, as a 5-year old I was sent home from my school in Coventry to celebrate;...
Mary was awarded a Victory Medal, and a Defence Medal. Worse than hell at times So many don't realise...
All of a sudden a jeep can speeding along the road with the C in C colours- yes it was Monty and...
I was transferred to Stalag 18A in the Wolfburg main camp in Austria. During my time in captivity I worked...
It is unnecessary to go into all the gruesome details but the lesson was quickly and very painfully...
Leonard Chambers Part Seven. Other Parts to this story are at: Pt 1: A5544128 Pt 2: A5544191 Pt 3: A5544272...
My Gallant Granddad at Dunkirk...
After he was a Yeoman he started working in the tanks he had to carry A Spare Tire, Wireless, Battery for...
They were in a camoflaged Nissan hut next to a canal. The camoflage net stretched over the adjoining...
I opted for the army, and eventually found myself in India with the Royal Horse Artillery. We had large...
My Grandfather, Bill was wading through the water to get to a boat....
My Mum's cousin, George, was one of the youngest tank commanders in the British army in the 2nd world...
We left Egypt behind and travelled on, through Libya, up to Tobruk and into Tunis, but not for long as the...
David Mathews joined the 51st Gordon Highlanders when he was 18 years of age... David and his friend,...
Leonard Chambers Part Eight. The presentation is in several parts, which will show the sequence of the...
I live in Bexhill on sea, and sometimes have sat on the beach when my thoughts return to may 1940 sitting...